three ➳ grins and big wins

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 For the first time in the history of my existence, I strutted through the doors of Abhenry Secondary with a grin on my face.

I mean, my brain randomly decided to come up with the best idea ever – with a little help from Pip, of course – so I had every reason to not walk around looking like I stepped in shit.

 Naturally, such a change doesn't go unnoticed; several perked brows and wide eyes were aimed at me, but nobody said a word, which further proves the fact that the students see all and refuse to talk about it.

  It's like a system, and everyone is a well-oiled part of it.

"What's got you so perky today?" Ming inquired, her brows furrowed. My grin only widened – which hurt my face, actually – as we continued strolling down the halls, almost at our lockers.

 "I would've called you yesterday," I explained, "but you had your violin lesson thing, and I didn't want you to be embarrassed by your ringtone."

"Fergalicious is a step up from Fancy," she scoffed, rolling her eyes, "besides, despite how utterly horrid my instructor is, my ringtone happens to be her jam."

 I let out a chuckle, and so did she, briefly giving herself a pat on the back.

"Really, though," she said, "why are you grinning so much? You could break your face, you know."

 My smile vanished instantly; this face won 'Most Likely to Marry Rich' in seventh grade, and I'm not about to let it break now, especially since I could use some cash.

Mostly to shop online. I have no shame.

 "Well," I chirped, pausing at my locker, "Pip suggested that I start my own club. And that's what we're going to do in about fifteen minutes."

Ming grinned, seeming to share my excitement. I mean, we're soul sisters; of course she's as gleeful as I am right now.

 "What's it called?" she asked, her words practically drenched in enthusiasm.

"I'm not that far ahead yet," I muttered, retrieving a few textbooks from my locker. "But, the club's aim is to rid this asshole – literally – of all, if not most, forms of discrimination."

 The girl beside me clapped elatedly, even going as far as to hop on the spot a few times.

"Do you really think Mr Wayland will agree to it, though?" she sighed, worry etched into her sudden frown. I shrugged, shutting my locker.

 "He has to," I pointed out. "I mean, he was the one who decided to go all agro on me by forcefully suggesting that I join a club, and what's better than joining a club?"

Ming smirked, that familiar mischief fresh in her eyes.

 "Starting your own."

 Boomshakalaka, I think she's got it.

➳ ➳ ➳  

 Pip, Ming and I had gathered in Mr Wayland's office, patiently waiting for him to finish whatever irrelevant phone call he had to make. Since we were especially demanding today, Pip let us in without warning, and Mr Wayland decided that right now would not be the best time to chase three determined women out of his office.

As Mr Wayland continued speaking to whoever had called him – a parent, most likely, to complain about their kid's behaviour and try to bribe their way out of trouble – I couldn't seem to sit still.

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