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The two of you had gotten along fairly well in Nova's intergalactic mansion. Galacta Knight would mock you for your height and strength, take your food, and flick your forehead, however, Nova assured you that was his way of being nice.

It was quiet in the large ball room you were currently in, two crimson sofas were placed across from each other and there was a small kitchen, imitating a small living area. You sighed to yourself, laying on one of the plush sofas. You were dressed in a large sweater that went down to your high thigh with an additional pair of black knee socks. The pink-haired knight was currently upstairs resting, he had come home from retrieving his title back. Though he had won, he didn't seem too thrilled or victorious. You were worried about the man, he did not say a word when he came home, and he has been in his room for an hour now.

You wished you could ask Nova what to do, however they were away at some 'Clockwork Comet Meeting', it would last for about a week, leaving you and the warrior alone.

You pushed yourself up into a sitting position. "I can't just leave him like this." You thought, you wanted to know what was bothering him, and maybe, cheer him up.

You take a deep breath before standing, making your way to one of the two staircases which led to the upper floor. Your footsteps became softer as you approached a room with the door slightly cracked open.

You gently opened the door enough for you to slip in, the light behind you illuminated the muscular man laying away from you on the bed. His dull pink hair fell behind his bare back and his wings rested beside him. If it weren't for the various scars on his body, Galacta might have looked delicate. You muster all your courage and welcomed yourself in, your chest felt tight, you have never seen him so vulnerable. Upon reaching his bed side, you could hear his soft breaths, you reach your hand to touch his shoulder, but is interrupted before you could make contact.

"What do you want." The pink knight growled, you swiftly retracted your hand and fixated your posture.

"I want to make sure you're ok..." The man did not answer you.

You huffed, you've come this far, you weren't about to give up now. Your face turned red as you came up with an idea, something that always cheered you up when you were having a bad day.

"W,,well! When I'm sad, Nova would sleep with me and we would talk about it,," You tried your hardest not to stutter, however you DID just suggest you sleep with the man. There was a long pause, and you held your breath, tension built up until the knight let out a long, annoyed sigh.

Between the two of you, this was his way of agreeing.

With a face red as can be and eyes shimmering, you eagerly make your way around the bed. You pull back the covers, slip into the soft, silky sheets and pull the top layer on you. You turn on your side to come face-to-mask with Galacta Knight, you found it odd he slept with his mask on.

To avoid you two awkwardly staring at each other, you shimmied yourself closer to the broad knight, enough to feel his body heat.

"What's bugging you, Gala?" You whisper, only to get a sigh in response.

The room was dark, there was only the stars out in space and the light from the hall that illuminated the room.

"I wanted to kill him.." He said in a low voice, as if it was a secret.


"Don't rush me."

"Ok...ok..." You patiently waited for the knight to find his words.

"This,,,pink kid was there. He just kept,,,crying." With the barincells you had left, you pieced together the story. You could tell that the knight had some difficulty opening up like this, you suspected that this is his first time.

You took a breath before scooting closer to him, you were completely flustered, however you managed to press yourself upon the warrior's warm, muscular chest. You nodded, placing a hand on his collar bone.

"You're not a monster, Gala..." You said quietly. You heard his heart skip a beat, that was just what he needed to hear. You feel his strong arm slowly wrap around you, pulling your body closer to his. Your face had gotten even hotter, heat was radiating off of you, the man you had been crushing on is currently holding you in his bed.

The more you thought about it, the faster your heart began to beat. He wasn't wearing a top, therefore the only thing separating the two of you was the sweater you were wearing.

Galacta Knight didn't say a word, but you could tell he was glad you were here. Nuzzling into the crook of his neck, you couldn't help but doze off, you felt so safe in his arms.

The two of you slept together, Galacta holding you close to him, you really did wiggle your way into his cold, reserved heart.


Hit me with a broom I want to continue this but it's so cringy ksksksks I'm sorry ily

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