Chapter 1

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Irresistible Ego

By Maia's Pen

Disclaimer: Please note that I wrote this story in 2011. It is not 'new'. However, I recently combed through and 'modernized it'. I only own my fondness for Gary Oak.

WARNING: I have rated this story 'TEEN' for some adult innuendos/situations and alcohol use. If you are uncomfortable with 'sexual humor' you may not want to read, just sayin'.

Dedication: paintedbynumbers (also known as nikegoddess_ ) Cheers to you my friend, should this story ever find your sight.

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Chapter One

Gary Oak swirled the olive around his empty Martini glass. He didn't care for olives and he was bored. Therefore he entertained himself by counting how many times the tiny fruit could race around the circumference of the glass before his wrist began to cramp. The answer was seventy-seven and now Gary's wrist was going to need an ice-pack. He was also in need of another drink, preferably something stronger than a Martini. However, it was risky to voyage across the hotel ballroom to the bar. The room was packed with hundreds of people, all of whom would love to surround Gary, and talk his ear off should he dare to venture into the heart of this celebration. Well, at least it was an open bar, free booze might be worth the journey.

Gary pulled his attention from the Martini glass and allowed his sight to roam about the grand room. Lavish white decorations were strung up all over the place. The room was designed to emulate a fairytale setting, but the grotesque amounts of white decor everywhere had Gary wondering if he should have adorned a snow suit instead of a tuxedo? The setting seemed more like a bizarrely creepy winter wonderland to him. The ballroom walls were painted white to begin with, but the decorating committee had secured satin white bows on the chandlers and added frilly white lace to the already white curtains. There were white candles sitting next to white silken potpourri party-favors which were placed beside creamy white chocolate mints on the white table cloths next to chairs with fluffy-white covers . . . BLAH! White, white, white! Gary silently prayed that his sight be spared permanent damaged after being forced-fed the same blank shade for hours on end. He had read stories in National Poke'graphic Magazine of arctic explorers straining their retinas after prolonged exposure to the bleak frozen tundra.

Gary redirected this focus upon the human occupants that shared this tundra with him. He would rather chance being sucked into a conversation about Weedle reproduction than stare at these decorations anymore.

Thankfully, aside from the bride herself, none of the other guests were wearing white clothes. The guests were appropriately dressed in their finest gowns and tuxedos. Couples were slow dancing to some sappy love song in every direction. As much as Gary was not enjoying himself, he at least had to admit that dinner – which was an hour ago—was pretty incredible. The feast was comprised of five courses from appetizers to salads to soups to main dishes to the grand finale: the wedding cake. The open bar didn't hurt either.

Overall Gary had to hand it to Ash Ketchum: the Pokemon Master knew how to get married in style!

Ah, yes . . . Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master for three months had met his fiancée – correction – new wife, at his Master Coronation Ceremony. The woman, Cindy Lou Louie – correction – Cindy Lou Ketchum, was a lovely woman of forty three years. This made Cindy Lou twenty years Ash's senior. The new Mrs. Ketchum stood six feet tall, had long bleach blond hair and flawless tanned skin. It was evident to everyone why she won the title of 'Miss Kanto' three years in a row . . . ten years ago. Cindy Lou was a Beauty Queen from her fake blond hair to her manicured toes. But her most eye-popping feature was her bosom, which bore a striking resemblance to a pair of round, plump Igglybuffs nestled side-by-side.

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