The Name's Syndulla, Jacen Syndulla

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A/N this is an AU, Kanan is alive and Hera is going into Labour.

*Sabine's POV*

I heard an agonising scream echo through the ghost, my comm beeped and I heard Kanan's voice, "Sabine get down here now!!!! Hera's gone into labour!!" I ran down to the common room to see Hera bleeding badly and Kanan trying to calm her down, "Kanan we need to get her to a hospital!!!" 

He nodded and picked her up bridal style to the med bay. I turned around and saw Ezra, Zeb looking scared and worried and chopper was... well Chopper just sat there but I knew they had no Idea what to do or say, "Zeb get Hera's bag, Chopper contact Ahsoka and Ezra..... Concentrate on breathing...."

They both nodded and Chopper complained about having to stay behind. My comm beeped again and a different voice spoke, "Sabine, I got Choppers message, what happen to Hera are she and the baby ok?" I picked it up and took a shaky breath, "I-I think so, Hera's water broke and we need you here now to calm Kanan and Ezra down" A couple of hours later she arrived and found Ezra in the middle of a panic attack, he said that he didn't want to be replaced or something like that....

Hera asked for me to be in the room when she had the baby and I was surprised but I obliged and went in, little did I know that it was going to be intense....

"Come on Hera!  ONE... MORE PUSH!!!" I swear to god if looks could kill, every doctor in the room would be dead, "KANAN JARRUS THIS IS YOUR FAULT, I HATE YOU!!!!" Hera had been screaming things at Kanan for 3 hours now, and each time he replied, "I love you too honey...." it made me laugh but I could only muster a smile as Hera was close to breaking the bones in my hand as her contractions became more painful..... for all of us....

"Miss Syndulla, it appears that your pelvis is too small for the baby to fit through, we must prep you for surgery or you and the baby will die" I looked over at Kanan who went into shock and fainted, Manly Jarrus.....

"I'm sorry ma'am but everyone must leave, this procedure becomes more complicated by the minute" I looked to Hera, "Don't worry Sabine I'll be fine" I smiled at her and as I was ushered out of the room, Ahsoka ran up to me with a worried look on her face, "Sabine there you are!! Where is Hera? is the baby ok? Neither of you were very specific..."

"Hera has to go into surgery, her pelvis is too small to let the baby through and-and they could die" She enveloped me in a hug and sat me down, "Sabine, Hera is strong.... Kanan is stubborn, those two are part of that baby... they will both survive, I promise" I nodded and I relaxed into the hug, praying that they would be ok

It had been 11 more hours but it felt like an eternity, I looked at my phone and the time was 0200 hours standard time. I had to fight to keep my eyes open and I was glad that I did, when a doctor came out I jolted upwards making Ahsoka jump, awaking her....

"The surgery was a success, The baby is healthy however Miss Syndula needs to rest she has a broken pelvic bone from before the surgery" Ahsoka was first to speak, "When can we see her?" the doctor chuckled but went back to being Mr Serious, "She is resting now but you are welcome to go in..... Actually it might help her heal if you talk to her, tell her a joke per se"

*Next morning*

*3rd Person*

Ahsoka and Sabine stayed with Hera talking to her into the early hours of the morning, when Hera woke up, however, they were both asleep, "Wakey wakey, sleepyheads" Sabine shot up and hugged Hera tightly, "S-Sabine, can't b-breathe..." she let go and quickly apologised, "Ahsoka??" Sabine smirked, "Commander Tano!! What makes you think it's acceptable to fall asleep during training!!!!" 

She stood up still asleep, "Sorry Master, I was in a Wonderfull happy land filled with candy floss and rainbows and unicorns!!" both of them burst out laughing, Sabine filmed the whole thing on her phone for another time. Ahsoka was still sleep talking when they decided to wake her up.

"Ahsoka? Ahsoka, someone is here to see you" she perked up asking who, this time Hera wanted to have a little fun, "It's senator Lux Bonteri, and he thinks you've been a naughty girl" Sabine couldn't contain her laughter as she rolled around on the floor tears streaming down her face, "Luxie where are you?" Ahsoka bean to walk around the room, bumping into objects on the way before she finally crashed into a wall and fell backwards, "Ok time to wake her up, Ahsoka come on!!! WAKE UP!!!"

She shot up asking where she was, Sabine showed her the video and they all had a laugh. Just then a nurse came in, "Ahh it's good to see you awake and smiling general. If we get the father in here, you can name him" 

"It's a boy??" Kanan walked in, "I have a son??" Hera nodded and they shared a loving kiss, "What are you going to name him?" Sabine, Ahsoka and Ezra asked simultaneously , "Jacen, after your brother" Hera looked at him shocked, "Kanan are you sure??" he nodded, "Just as sure as I am doing this..."

He got down on one knee and brought out a platinum banded ring, the words My Everything  were engraved on the band, "Hera.... will you marry me?" tears were streaming down everyones faces, "Yes I will Kanan!!" 

And ever since that day, they were a family.....

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