last chaper -chapter 4

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Walking back to the wedding, Anthony realised how cruel he had been towards Ian. He shouldn't have said the things he said-acting like Ian's feelings were nothing more than a joke.

"Baby! Now that He's out the way...we can get the show on the road!" Kalel squealed, in such a pitch that Anthony thought his ear drum would explode. For the first time in his life, kalel actually annoyed him.

"Uh...yeah." He gave her a smile. "Alright see you in a bit then." He answered and walked back into the chapel.

Once everything and and everyone was ready, the ceremony went on as planned.

Kalel walked down the isle, a few tears were shed and the vows were spoken.

Of course Kalel looked beautiful but Anthony was in no mood to notice it. His mind was else where. It was like he didn't even care about the wedding any more.

Once the after party had comensed, and every guest had stumbled into taxis, Anthony took out his phone.

'Where are you' He texted Ian and sent it.

When no reply came, Anthony suddenly had second thoughts on the honeymoon. Why would he choose Ian over his honeymoon? It was ridiculous. He wanted to clear Ian from his mind but his thumbs tapped on his phone almost spontaneously.

'Answer me right now. Stop being so childish and we can settle this like adults.'

Anthony ran a hand through his hair and grumbled. Clearly Ian was too outraged to reply so he texted Mari.

'He's at the Smosh house' A text popped up before he even asked her. A weight seemed to have been lifted off Anthony's shoulder because he no longer had to worry about Ian on his honey moon...or at least for now.

'I'll be back in two weeks. make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. look after him or else.' He wrote. Since when was he this over protective?

"Babe! Come on! Hawaii here we come!" Kalel giggled, leaning on the taxi door with one sparkly high heeled shoed foot, popped up in the air. Anthony would have thought it cute but this time he found it plain annoying.

What was happening to him! He loved Kalel. Why was he thinking like this? "Sure." He mumbled, trying to sound enthusiastic but it came out sarcastic and bored.

"Ugh." Kalel said, her face scrunched up in anger. "No need to be so grumpy. Its our wedding night!" she folded her arms and closed the door of the car. "You should at least he more affectionate. we haven't even touched the whole of toda-"

"I'm not in the mood Kalel." He muttered, frowning. He could barely here himself think when Kalel was whining at him in the background. He wanted his head cleared, especially of Ian. He looked at kalel and sighed realizing he just made the worst mistake of his life and worst of all lost the love of his life.

Too Late- IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now