Chapter the Eighth: Identifying Feelings, Then Feeling More of Them

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Word Count: 1460

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"Why're you so bubbly this morning?" Isadora asked. She and Carmelita walked into the couch area and saw Violet who was all smiley.

"I've been talking with Quigley," She replies.

Isadora and Carmelita shared a knowing look, then they both sat across from Violet, "I think you should tell us how you feel about him," Isadora started, "It's not good to keep feelings bottled up, even when they're good ones," Carmelita added.

"You just want to hear me talk about liking him don't you?" Violet asked. The two girls nodded, and they all shared a laugh.

"Hmm... where do I start?" Violet asked.

"How about... tell us how you feel whenever you see him and when you spend time together," Carmelita said with excitement filling her voice.

"Well... whenever I see him I smile, and I feel all happy and nervous at the same time. Whenever he smiles at me my heart beats faster and I sweat a bit... whenever we spend time together I feel so content, but when we're apart I can't stop thinking about him... I love how kind he is to me. He's always complimenting me, and he's always asking what's wrong even if I only show very small signs of discomfort. He always makes sure I'm alright and that I'm comfortable. He's always just so thoughtful and sweet, and serious when he needs to be. His eyes are always so bright and wide around me which makes me kind of blush... I feel like his face lights up around me..."

"Oh trust me, it does. He loves you," Isadora told her.

Violet smiled, "He does?"

The two girls nodded, "Oh yeah. He talks about you all the time, and when you aren't there he tells us how much he loves you," Carmelita told her, smiling.

Violet blushed, "Oh really?"

The girls nodded.

"I think I love him too..."

. . .

"Hey Vi," Quigley's voice came from inside Violet's room.

She was out on her fire escape place again.

Violet looked back to see Quigley smiling down at her. She smiled back, then he climbed through the window and sat next to her.

"What're you doing out here again?" Quigley asked.

"I'm just appreciating the nice day we're having.... Why're you out here?" Violet asked.

Quigley shrugged, "I wanted to spend time with you..." he confessed, and Violet saw him blush lightly. Either this was new, or since Violet knew how he felt now, she started noticing it.

Violet smiled, "I'm flattered," she commented, and Quigley laughed.

"Violet, Quigley! Fiona's here to visit!" Carmelita's voice came from Violet's room.

The two stood up and looked back into her room, seeing the smiling Carmelita.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then Quigley let Violet climb back into the building, and he followed suit.

The two followed Carmelita into the couch area and they saw their friend there.

Klaus sat with Fiona on one couch, Isadora sat with Beatrice and Sunny on the floor, then Quigley, Violet, and Carmelita joined Duncan on the other couch.

"How have you been, Fiona?" Violet asked.

"Umm... pretty good I suppose... a bit bored, but I've been with my brother and my stepfather so it hasn't been that bad," she explained, "How have you all been?" She then asked, eager to hear good news.

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