The next morning

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*The next morning*

Dabi [POV]

I woke up in the morning to a splitting headache and my stomach feeling like it's about to be ripped out of my throat.  I tried to stand up but the headache just got worse and the room spun around me.  I sat back down rubbing my eyes.  I was honestly surprised that I was able to win last night.  It was really close.  I hadn't actually got drunk in years so what happened?  It could have just been the stronger alcohol because I was used to drinking Vodka or it could have been that I was still angry at my father.  I stood up again this time I was able to stay up.  I realized my vision was still pretty blurry and it was even harder to see things far away.  I rubbed my eyes again but it didn't get any better.  I sighed walking slowly into the bar

"Dabi how are you feeling?" Kurogiri asked as I sat down

"Like I could keel over and die at any second and I wouldn't mind it" I responded 

"I see" He worked at cleaning out some shot glasses, he always found a way to have something to clean "Dabi last night I showed you a picture but you were too wasted to know what I was taking about but do you know who this is" Kurogiri bent over pulling out a picture from his pocket.  It was blurry to my just on the counter this was starting to get concerning.  I picked up the photo bringing it closer to me to see better. When I could focus on it my heart skipped a beat and I dropped the photo

"Where did you get this?" I asked my voice shaking

"What are you talking about it fell out of Shigaraki's pocket last night and I was wondering if you knew who it was of?" he explained calmly

"Where did that dick head get this" I balled my hand into a fist

"Is there something wrong?" He asked

"He shouldn't have found it I thought I burned it" I grabbed the photo again

"Do you know who is in the photo?" he asked again

"yes" I muttered crumpling up the photo

"Who is it?" I asked

"It's me" I snapped clenching my jaw "When I was younger" I was seething I didn't want anyone to know my past and especially not the creeps here

"You used to look much different than you do now" he commented putting his dish rag down

"Good I don't want to be associated with that..., that" I slammed my fist down on the counter at a loss for words

"Dabi calm down I didn't mean anything by it" he explained

"I'm going to kill him I'm going to kill him for what he did to me and my siblings" I announced

"Who are you talking about" Kurogiri asked calmly I ignored him standing up the photo bursting into flames in my palm.  I dropped it on the counter frustrated with everything before I stormed off back to my room.

(A.N. sorry for the short chapter it's only 499 words but I just wanted to get this written and I didn't really have a plan for afterwards)

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