Struggling for Breath

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Liam's POV

            Everything felt blurry around me as I drove back home. Sara's words were reverberating in my skull and crushing what was left of my sanity. The beeping cars were adding even more pressure on my mind. My skull was breaking apart, and I was relived a little to reach home. I climbed the stairs, heavy step following the other. After unlocking the door and entering the place I called home, I still felt lost. I headed to my room when I heard a weak voice calling on Eliza. It was Grandma. She probably thought I was Eliza. I didn't want to talk to anyone so I ignored her and entered my room. I locked the door and threw myself over my bed. I didn't want to do anything. I lay for a few minutes before I realized I hadn't taken off my shoes. I kicked them out of my feet. The door banged as one of them hit the wooden thing.

A severe headache was beating in my head. I ignored it as a voice broke in my mind.  Eliza was right, Liam. You're pathetic! And you're thinking why she's leaving? Look at yourself. I pulled my heavy head from the bed and glanced at my figure in the mirror. A dead face met me from the other side. See what I'm talking about?! Why did you ever think she's going to love you anyways?

Sara's voice haunted my mind. "I love you, Liam. I don't want us to go on separate ways. I want to be with you but we don't get everything we want."

Hah! You actually believed that? She was just being nice. It's not like she'll fall for you, pathetic thing.

"Why not?" I whispered into thin air.

A laugh broke in my mind. Did you see how worried she was for that blonde? Now that's a guy she'll fall for, not you.

"B-but he's a lot younger than her!" I yelled to the mirror.

What about the brunet? Oh baby! That one's really hot!

"What about with me?!" I screamed scrambling the bed's covers.

Are you kidding me? Look well at your face, man. Can you see anything pretty? I don't.

"Shut up!!" I roared my body shivering with anger.

See what I'm talking about? Tears are already welling up in your eyes. Why would she like you, mister goody-goody? Girls fall for the bad boy, the hot one with the sexy smirk, not the nerd.

"Stop it!!" I thundered placing my palms on my ears and shutting my lids tightly.

Can't you afford to hear the truth? You need to stop the lies, Liam. You need to get it: Sara was NEVER yours and will NEVER be.

I breathed heavily."Leave . Me . Alone!!"

That won't change the truth, Liam. You're useless. No one wants you in their lives. Even Eliza is fed up with you.

I couldn't stand it anymore. A tear raced down my neck as I took a heavy breath after the other. I was shivering. I grabbed the shoe that fell beside my bed and threw it at the mirror. With a loud clash, it broke, and my image fell to the floor with the pieces of the mirror. In fact, my image fell long before that, much much longer.

You think I'll leave that way? I'm here to open your eyes to the truth. You are nothing, Liam. You're a no body.

"I. Said. Shut. Up!" I yelled throwing my arms in the air. My palms shivered as I searched in the drawers for my cigarette box. I opened it hastily and lit one.

You're still a loser, Liam. Keep smoking that cigarette of yours. As if it'll bring her back.

I ignored it, my body still shivering. The cigarette was calming me down. I sat on the bed and placed my palm on my head. Why am I so weak? Why does it hurt so much? Why am I so breathless? Why is she doing this to me?! I hit my fist to the wall.   

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