Part ~ 1

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Bela looked at Mahir gazing at her, with such intensity, that her insides clenched and a shiver passed through her spine. She still didn't understand what was in her that has enticed him. Yes she was beautiful, but she was more of a plain Jane and he, he was the Mahir Sehgal, he could have got any girl he had wanted, but he chose her a middle class girl, who could give him nothing. Not even his own child. He wasn't the first man in her life.

She has always been a protected child. Although they belonged to a middle class background, her parents had given her anything she had wished for. She was their only daughter, the one who came into their lives when they had lost all their hopes. She was their princess.

Then he came in her life. She was 9 when he came into their lives as her neighbor. Like every girl she also had a concept of her Prince Charming and he had certainly filled the criteria for her.

There was a typical fairytale romance. Childhood Sweethearts to Lovers and then to Husband and Wife. She had been so happy in her little world that she had forgotten that life was not a fairytale. It is harsh cold reality which will slap you the moment you think that your life is perfect. Same happened to her.

She was so happy. Everything was perfect. She had him and there was only thing left in her perfect fairytale.

Their CHILD!!!!

They had been married for 3 years and were trying for their child for a year but she never got pregnant. How much pain she had felt after every pregnancy test had comes out NEGATIVE. She could still remember how disappointed he had been. After two months she had missed her periods. She had been so hopeful that she is Pregnant. They were going to have their own child.

They went to the hospital for the confirmation, but the reports had been negative she was not pregnant. Her reports had stated that she could never be pregnant. Her world had come crashing down. That was the start of her fairytale ending. She had been heartbroken, at that time she had needed him the most. She had thought that he would be there for her, but she was wrong so damn wrong.

Instead of being there for her, he had distant himself from her. His working hours got longer and their came a point when she had hardly even saw him one or twice a week. She had been such a fool to think their Love can face this problem.

She still remembered that day, he had come home early and he had been so happy. She saw a ray of hope. She was going to talk to him that they could adopt a baby. The baby would have been theirs. But she never got the chance. He had handed her the DIVORCE papers and that day her world had come crashing down for the second time. She had looked at him in disbelief, had screamed and cried.

But he had been indifferent, as if she wasn't his wife. As if she wasn't the women he had been in love with since he was 11. As if she didn't mattered. His parents had came out hearing the commotion, but instead of supporting her they had taken his side. They had wanted their heir. Heir as if she wasn't a human but a baby making machine, they had no use of her anymore.

He had been so cold when he had told her that he didn't want her in his life anymore. She had asked her, "WHY?" very well knowing that what his reply would be, and his reply had shattered her already broken heart. He had looked at her in the eye and had said, "Because you can't give me my child. Because you are BARREN."

"Barren" how easily he had called her that. The word that had finally sealed their broken relationship. She had left that night after signing the Divorce Papers and had never looked back. Ironic isn't it? The man who had loved her for 17 years had dropped her like a hot potato when he came to know that she can't give him a baby. He had broken her out of her fantasy. But she had been so thankful to him, for showing her that years of love can't be compare to a baby. For breaking her illusion that Love was enough.

That was the ending of her Fairytale Life. She had stopped believing in fairytales. She had gotten her heart broken and came out stronger.

He had gotten married again after a month of their official divorce. That day she had congratulated him and had closed that chapter of her life.

Her parents had been there. They had stood as her support throughout her divorce. When relatives and society had mocked her. They had been there.

She used to cry alone, but their shoulders were always available for her, she had looked at them and had finally understood that she was not alone. She had them and they had her. Yes she had made a mistake, but it was not the end of the life. She had cleaned up her mess and was ready to move on.

She got a job in Mumbai and had readily accepted it. There she had met him, her Mahir. The man who had made her love herself again. Who had taught her to live again, Who had given her a reason to live.

Her MAHIR ~ the man who was destined to be HERS.


Tana ~ Tana!!!!

New Story....

Sorry people I was really busy but well life is like that.

So here I am with a new three shot....

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Next Update ~ "Ishaq Mera Tu"

"Wajah Tum Ho"

Till then Sayonara.....

Lots of Love


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