Love you... too?

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"Yikes" I say, flopping onto my newly made bed. I turn my head to look at my best friend, Izadora, who is sitting on her own bed, separated by a small dresser next to mine. "What a day."

"Tell me about it," Iz sighs. "But we've done it, Ray! We're officially college girls!"

It is the start of our freshman year at the University of Oregon, and we have just finished moving all of our stuff into our new apartment. This is our dream, living together and attending the same college. Ever since we were children Iz and I have been best friends, and she keeps me wild and adventurous when I desperately need it. There's no way I would have agreed to this living situation without her.

I let out a snort. "Sure we are. We're sharing rent with three other guys, all broke sophomores who need the extra money, two of whom we've never even met. For all we know there could be a serial killer sleeping across the hall from us."

"Pah," Iz waves her hand in in the air, shooing away my negativity. "They're perfectly nice. I know Kyle's mom, she's close with my own, and she said these three have been best friends throughout childhood and are all great. Honestly, we're probably gonna be terrible influences on them."

I laugh. "You've got that right." Iz and I have a tendency to get carried away when we're together. Eighteen years and we still haven't figured out if it's a bad thing.

My stomach rumbles and I get the sudden urge to consume pizza. Today has been a day of change, and if I'm being honest it's been rather nerve-racking, but surely pizza has stayed the same even if the rest of my life and routine may never be. "I think ima order a pizza."

"How could you order a pizza right now? Aren't you gonna come to that party tonight?"

I look at her with pleading eyes. "Enough has already happened today. I just wanna curl up with a pizza and read a book. No more, I might break apart into itty bitty pieces."

Her eyes widen. "Well I'll be damned if I'm the one stuck cleaning you up."

I gasp in mock hurt. "Now I really need comfort food. Even my best friend has turned on me!"

Iz swings her feet off her bed and stands up, snatching my hand and pulling me out into the main room.

"Fine, loser. I'm sure there's a pizza place around here somewhere," She heads for the door.

"No!" I gasp, tearing my hand away and sinking to the floor. "Must... do... interaction will... kill me..." I grab my heart and pretend that my body reflects my crumbling willpower to continue breathing.

The door suddenly opens and Kyle steps through. We've met Kyle multiple times, to make sure the apartment actually exists and to get the keys so we could move in today. He's the only one of the three that we have actually met (i.e. probably not a serial killer). All of them had to work today, so me and Iz got permission to let ourselves in and unpack.

Kyle has a classic handsomeness about him. He has brown hair and eyes, with straight white teeth and an easy smile. He works at a nearby shoe store, and is currently wearing his work uniform, which is just a black T-shirt with the company's logo on it. He is tall and fit, and plays multiple sports for the University of Oregon, which is where we all go and is only a ten minute walk away. As far as I can tell, he's good natured, funny, and nice. He seems like the kind of guy who always looks on the bright side and would be a really caring and involved boyfriend.

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