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you watch the girl from afar

the sparkle of joy in her eyes
her bright smile representing her mood

but under all the smiles and laughs
is someone suffering from

her own thoughts



can i just say thank you for 1.8k. it overwhelms me with joy when i see how much this book is progressing. I've been attracting a new group of readers that i never thought i be able to interact with. i'm glad that i'm being able to connect and have a deep understanding with you guys and if you ever need to talk or if you have something on your mind, i'm always here to talk. i know sometimes life can be hard and i think that"s what this whole poetry book is about, so feel free to talk to me if you need to because i'm here for you and i know you guys are here for me

WiltedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora