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The sky roared tumultuously over the vibrant city's landscape. Brilliant shades of deep violets, icy blues and radiant reds flooded all throughout the city's underground as the many bars and clubs flickered to life and the towering skyscrapers powered down for the night. But while the many were setting out to indulge in pleasure, Lance, a charmingly handsome and skilled assassin, was obtaining his assignment for the evening. Lance was a man of good stature and even better status. This assignment came from a rather peculiar gentleman by the name of Lazarus whom wished to see a human alien hybrid removed from existence. Lance reluctantly accepted the assignment and set out to find his target.

Lance was waiting silently in a dark alleyway, sitting firmly on a sleek blue bike. His eyes remain focused on the road unblinkingly. He was to wait here until a black bike with bright red electric currents running through it appeared. It was on this bike that his target would be. Lance's focus shifted from his mission to his aching heart which longed to be reunited with the miraculous Keith. But Lance feared it may never be for Keith was a prince. The only way to stand a fraction of a chance of winning the fair prince's hand was to obtain some sort of wealth and a greater status. It is for this reason and this reason alone that Lance agreed to Lazarus' demands. After this assignment Lance could quit the assassination business for good and only then could he stand a chance at earning Keith's love and affection. Suddenly Lance noticed a flash of red fly right before his eyes. The assassin quickly brought his bike to life and followed after the inauspicious target. Lance moved in quickly, tailing right behind the black bike. He noticed a pair of violet eyes reflecting from the black bike's side view mirror and then locking onto his own blue eyes. Now the prey was aware of his predator. The target hastened his bike to go faster and began moving in rapid horizontal motions in an attempt to loose the assassin. In turn Lance quickened his speed causing his dark hair to whip chaotically around his tan skin. All the buildings and people were nothing more than blurs of color, he urged his bike to go faster as the target moved further out of sight. He refused to loose his one chance with Keith. But this target was unlike any other. He proved to be a challenge as he disappeared into the city's underground.

Lance, now void of his bike had followed the target into the black market, the dirty and chaotic underbelly of the city. All around him were crowds of rough and wild individuals; most of them interested in buying illegal parts such as weapons and dangerous elements. As he skillfully made his way through the crowds his attention flickered to a disturbance near by. He located the source of the problem when he passed an alien bounty hunter who was harassing a merchant for a dangerous piece of technology. Lance recognized the merchant as his old friend Hunk. He momentarily decided to abandon his mission and swiftly he placed himself between his friend and the bounty hunter, keeping one hand placed on the weapon beneath his long black coat.

"What seems to be the problem friend?" Lance says as he stares down the bounty hunter in question.

The bounty hunter was a tall brute. He had one eye missing and was balding. Lance recognized the species of the hunter as Galra.

"Step aside runt. I'm trying to strike a deal with the nice little merchant" the bounty hunter snarls.

"What do you say Hunk? Is this beast causing you trouble?" Lance asks his friend while keeping a mean stare.

"The 'beast' you speak of has a name. I am Ranveig and I say this merchant and I are doing business"

Ranveig reaches behind into his sling, attempting to produce his weapon, a rather nasty looking sickle, and rid himself of the assassin. But before he has a chance, Lance grabs the hulking alien's arm, bending it in an awkward position as if to break it and places his own weapon against Ranveig's forehead. Passerby have now circled around the dispute and stare on, waiting for blood.

"If you want to keep that face of yours in tact I suggest you apologize to my friend here and get out of my sight" Lance whispers angrily into the bounty hunter's ear.

Ranveig tries to free himself but Lance tightens his grip and snaps the bounty hunter's burly arm, breaking it in the process.

"You can either leave of your own will our I'll make you" Lance said charging his bayard. Ranveig managed to jerk himself free. He stops to contemplate taking a hit on Lance, but thinks better of it and flees the scene with his broken arm.

"Thank you" Hunk said.

"Think nothing of it" Lance said only glancing at Hunk.

"What ales you?" Hunk asked when he noticed the sudden grief on his friends face.

"My heart belongs to Keith, but I am unworthy. In seeking a chance to have his heart for my own I made a deal with an alien by the name of Lazarus. But I've lost the target" Lance said wistfully.

"It won't be a problem for you. I have a solution" Hunk said placing a sure hand on Lance's shoulder. "Come with me."

*                              *                              *                              *                              *

The sky had yet to produce any rainfall and yet still thundered loudly. With the help of his friend Hunk and his new companion Pidge, Lance was now undeniably close to locating his target and having his beloved Keith in his arms. But for now, Lance and Pidge waited in a dark abandoned building. A chunk of the building was missing allowing the cold air to howl as it invaded the ominous tower. Foot steps were soon heard and Lance readied his bayard while Pidge kept look out towards the top of the building. Two figures were now in Lance's line of sight. Though he could barely make out the individuals he recognized the violet eyes as the same from before. Lance lifted his bayard and readied himself to pull the trigger when a crack of lightning flashed through the sky exposing his position and his intent. 

The violet eyed stranger locked eyes with Lance, pulling a short electric powered sword into view. Lightning lit up the building and exposed the faces of the assassin and the stranger. Lance loosened his once firm grip on his bayard letting it hit the damp floor with a wet thud. The violet eyed stranger stared intensely at Lance, mouth slightly agape. He marveled at the way his dark hair and tan skin made a beautiful contrast against his stunning blue eyes. Lance moved in closer and gripped the stranger's waist. No, this was no stranger.

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