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It was a Monday, I was on the fourth floor wandering around. God being a cancer patient sucks, there's nothing to do. I was wandering around and I saw this drop dead gorgeous girl. She had black hair and dark brown eyes, and she looked so beautiful. Enough of all this cheesy stuff, my name is Ryan. I'm seventeen and a stage two thyroid cancer patient, I've been in the hospital for about four months now. Yea it's pretty boring in here and the cancer just seems to get worse, I'm almost eighteen, fuck all this, as soon as I'm eighteen I'm done. I wanna go live my life so, I'm leaving the hospital. Anyways, today I was walking around the floor and I spotted the most prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on. I wanted to talk to her but, I don't even know why she's here. You see, us sick kids can't get attached, we all have to have a relationship with death. If we were to date another sick kid or literally anyone, how do we say, I'm gonna die so get ready...you can't...it's just not fucking fair. But, I went to my nurse and used my charm to tell me who that girl was.

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