50 word challenge :)

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dedicated to @TitaniumAlex for giving me the idea :)

The idea of this is to improve your writing skills. You get 50 random words, and for each word, you write a chapter or short story. The chapter has to include the word your using. 

Word List: 

1.) Meetings 2.) Darkness 3.) Festivity 4.) Demolition 5.) Stab 6.) Raid 7.) Glowing 8.) Mark 9.) Personality 10.) Alphabet 11.) Washing 12.) Novel 13.) Suspicion 14.) Tense 15.) Entity 16.) Shelf 17.) Public 18.) Rescue 19.) Envy 20.) Run 21.) Hour 22.) Standard 23.) Persuasion 24.) Truth 25.) Attempt 26.) Suffering 27.) Stranger 28.) Warming 29.) Spirit 30.) Hollow 31.) Original 32.) Protection 33.) Travel 34.) Long 39.) Beer 40.) Hazard 41.) Offer 42.) Wrap 43) Believer 44.) Edge 45.) Keeping 46.) Circle 47.) Moral 48.) Wind 49.) Fortnight 50.) Recruit

So my first chapter would be about 'meetings' and the second chapter would be about 'darkness' and so on..

Each chapter can be of a completely different story, with completely different characters.

If you want to try it out yourself, then check out this post: http://www.wattpad.com/forums/discussion/290182/a-fun-challenge-for-any-interested/#Item_9

All credit to  @TitaniumAlex :)

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