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A pair of newborn eyes opened wide to see the view of the blurred area, it changed into a hospital room where a young woman with blonde hair and green eyes wearing a hospital gown, was cradling a newborn boy with blonde hair and blue eyes swaddled in white cloth. The baby softly yawned and smacked his lips but coughed silently while his mother giggled, smiled with tears, and sniffled happily just as a police officer with dark brown spiky hair and blue eyes wearing a police uniform and holding a flower bouquet and stuffed teddy bear, approached her and walked up to her and the couple looked at their newborn son with tears. Then, the newborn infant let out his first cry and his mother hushed him gently as she cradled him once more, the police officer patted his head with his hand, it seemed that their divorce was slowly finalized and they were ready to rekindle their marriage to start a new family.

"My little lamb..." sniffed Charlotte.

"Hey sports, nice to meet you." greeted Jones, turning to his ex-wife, "So what do we do and what are we gonna name him," he asked Jones.

"Hmmm...let me think." she thought, "Well, I   like to name him Roderick, he is glorious and greatest. Also, I like to call him better Rodney for short. He was so kind, gentle, goal-oriented, friendly, and free-spirited. One day, he will value love, peace,  and harmony once he grows up to be a glorious man in our world. Roderick Prescott Jones, our little lamb, our little boy,  our world." then her infant son sneezes softly and coughs again.

"Our little boy? You mean Roderick Prescott Jones," surprised Jones, he chuckled happily and the divorced couple leaned their faces to each other and kissed joyfully.

A few months later, Rodney was eight months old, he was wearing a red-green shirt and diaper and sitting on a high chair cheerfully, he was hungry for sweets just as his grandmother showed up with a bowl of baby food made of mashed carrots to make him healthy, he opened his mouth wide and a spoonful of mashed baby carrot shoved into his mouth and fed him but spit it out in disgust and cried loudly just as his parents came up and checked on him, realizing that he hate healthy food. He squealed in fury and demanded his family some sweets but they refused and worried about his diet. However, they got an idea and created a strategy plan, starting with Charlotte tricking her son when she told him that the baby food is actually a mashed chocolate cake with orange food coloring, thus Rodney laughed and Jones fed him the same baby food, averting the problem. Suddenly, the tummy rumbled and Rodney cried so Jones picked him out of the high chair, cradled him, and hushed him quietly while Charlotte laughed at her family along with her mother-in-law.

A few months later, back at the house, Rodney was two years old, sitting on the couch and holding his stuffed panda in his arms, he turned around and saw his mother crying and mourning the loss of her grandmother. He sighed sadly, leaped off the couch, walked off, roamed around the living room, and came across a cardboard storage box with his great-grandma's name on it, he approached it, picked it up, removed the lid, and revealed the collections of 80s-90s cultural items including a box of colorful toy construction bricks called Lego. Finding his late-great-grandmother's belongings inside the box, he developed an awesome taste for the 80s-90s culture vintage and enthusiasm for adventure that awaited him, he removed his green cap and put on a classic fedora hat, then grabbed a pair of headsets and a portable audio player, inserted the cable to, put the headsets over his head, and turned on the music, listening to it but gathered the Lego bricks on the table and began to piece together, eventually took a liking to them.

The next day, Rodney began to play and collect many Lego items he likes to try but also likes to watch a TV show about seven people from different continents with gifts, elements, talents, abilities, and elements. In the pilot show, four outlaws consisted of a fiery Southeast Asian engineering computer student, a Brazilian inventor with the power of flight from air and wind, a New Zealander orphan who turned out to be a puppet, an African farmer with geokinesis, and a Norwegian villager with the power of thunders. Together with the crystal weapons, they fought and robbed the rich from the kingdom of the evil pirate ninja ruler. Next, in the first season, they encounter a pair of warring children from North America, one is a pure good girl and the other is an evil but cruel bully but turned out that they are chosen to be the two Freedom Angels that will rise to fight against the evil pirate ninja ruler, rendering him into pure good side again. As he was watching his favorite show, his taste for adventure grew and intensified, fascinated with piracy and ninjitsu, adapting his enthusiasm for them. However, unbeknownst to him, at the same time, Jones walked up and gasped to see his son watching his favorite TV show.

The Amazing Rocket Hood: Chapter 3Where stories live. Discover now