Part 1

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An ordinary day at the local Walmart. Nothing too bizarre happened to me ever since I got shipped here, only because I was never purchased for the past two and a half weeks to be exact. Majority of my friends call me Pat the llama and life being a birthday pinata hasn't been too shabby. All the other pinatas such as Bob and Randall have been rather polite to me for whatever reason, so the vibe of this particular store seems oddly fitting. This morning, Bob, Randell and I were casually chatting about mundane subjects, specifically about the weather itself.

"You know what, guys. Some little birdie told me that a little kid was having an enormous birthday party today and that the weather would be rather blustery." said Randell. Bob rapidly turned around with a worried expression upon his face, "Goodness gracious. You can't be serious, Randy. A party?!?!" Randy nodded his head, "Unfortunately the rumors could be in fact true, bud. I wonder who's gonna be the lucky pinata this time." He chuckles a bit as me as Bob and I are secretly panicking on the inside. "Perhaps I better not say a single word whatsoever." I mutter under my breath towards Bob.

As soon as I said that, a peculiar mom walking into the same aisle as us with a young child catches my eye. I hesitate to warn the others in order to not be noticed, so I quickly decide to not say another word like I promised. Timid Bob whispers in my right ear, "Dude we got a code red. You copy? A code red!!" The kid glances up and catches the three of us on the very top shelf. "Mommy, that's the one I want!" exclaimed the energetic boy to his tranquil mother.

He points at the pinata that he wants and as it turns out, the pinata is none other than...ME?!?!?! Randall notices the utter fear in my eyes as the mom brings me down from the shelf. Bob proceeds to bawl his eyes out as he's watching me leave the aisle with the fellow customer. I whisper to them both as I'm stuck in the shopping cart, "Remember! As long as the kids are happy, then that's enough for us to be grateful." They both salute me as I am being transported to the cash register.

Confidentially, I couldn't quite recall what happened to me afterwards since I fearfully blank out from all of the suspense going on at once. Then suddenly, I wake up from my ambiguous slumber and find myself tied up onto a tree branch. It was rather traumatizing because it would be impossible for me to escape and seek refuge at this rate. That's whenever I saw the pesky kids with all their pinata-thrashing gear. Of course the birthday boy is perfectly blind-folded, so I was just about ready to accept my sacred fate.

The rapid wind spins me around a few times, making the interior of my storage compartment shake in distress. The mother takes a picture of the kids in amazement as I shield my eyes in apolling horror, not willing to approve of what was yet to come. "On your mark, get set, GO!!!" the mom yells as her son swings the bat directly onto the left side of my stomach. "YEOUCHHHH!!" I scream as I experience the ongoing pain of the wooden bat. A couple pieces of candy proceed to fall out from below me onto the ground and a few kids rush over to retrieve the goodies. Meanwhile here I am, slowly drifting into a heart-rendering zone of blackness. My time on this earth was finally up and at last I get the opportunity to confront my very dear mother once again.

50 Shades Of Piñata part 1Where stories live. Discover now