Chp 17

429 12 1

~Next Morning~

Elsa POV

I heard the sound of an alarm going off and fluttered open my eyes. Then the event from yesterday came back and I remembered I was in Jacks room. I looked over and saw Jack laying there still asleep.

I got up not wanting to wake him and took a shower. When I was done I walked in the room to see Jack awake and getting ready.

"Good morning frosty" I said as walked over to him.

He turned around and pulled me over to him embracing me in a hug and gently placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning snowflake. How did you sleep? Are you still up to going to school today after everything that's happened?" He asked me a bit concerned.

"I slept great Jack. No yelling or screaming or kicking. Just peaceful sleep. And yes Jack I'm sure. Our project is due today remember." I told him. Its true. It was the best sleep ever. I am kinda nervous about school though. What will everyone say? What will they think? How will they react? Are things gonna be different now?

I was brought back to reality when Jack dangled his keys in front of my face.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yea lets go" I said but soon there was a knock at the door.

We went downstairs to see Punzie standing there excitedly.

"Punzie what bringz you here?" Jack asked. She just grabbed me and rushed out the door.

"No time to explain. Im borrowing her for a little. Don't worry Merida and I will bring her to school." She yelled to Jack as she pushed me in the car and hopped in.

Wait what? Where am I going? Everything's happening so fast.

"Relax Elsa. I just wanna give you a makeover. Merida is gonna help me." She told me as if she could hear what I was thinking. Wait Merida's in on this.

Then she pulled out her phone amd sent a quick text to someone amd we pulled up at her house.

When we got to her room I notoced it was almost as big as Jacks only a little smaller. Punzie disappeared in her closet for a short time and came back with a light blue crop top with snowflakes on it, a black leather jacket, some mesh tights, a black miniskirt, and black heels with light snowflakes on them.

"Here go try these on. The bathroom is right through that door." She told me while handing me the clothes and pointing to a door on the other side of the room.

I took the clothes and stepped into the bathroom to change.

Jack POV

""No time to explain. Im borrowing her for a little. Don't worry Merida and I will bring her to school." She yelled to me as she pushed Elsa in the car and hopped in.

"Hey! Wai- " I tried to say but she had already sped off. I let out a small chuckle. That girl is a mystery I swear. But hey she said she'll bring her to school so I'll just see her at school.

I hopped in my car and drove to school. When I got there I met up with Hiccup and we waited for the girls to get here.

Merida POV

I was sleeping when I was woken up by my brothers... Again.

"GET OFF ME OR IM GETTING MOM!" I yelled at them and they scurried off. Little rascals. I checked my phone to see I had a text from Punzie.


P: hey Mer get over here quick. Were giving Elsa a makeover. Don't tell the boys.

M: omw

I put my phone down, got dressed, and headed off to Punzies

~at Punzies~

Punzies mom let me in and I went upstairs into Punzies room.

"Mer! Its about time you got here. She's almost done getting changed." She said.

"Sorry Punz. You know I live on a different street." I told her.

"I know. I know."

Soon Elsa came out and she looked hot like Damn Jacks gonna drool everywhere haha.

"Hey guys" she greeted us "do I look okay?"

"Els you look amazing!!" Punzie and I yelled.

"Now sit. Its time for hair and makeup" Punzie told her and she sat down on the chair in front of Punzies vanity.

We decided to let Elsa's hair flow naturally with light curls because her hair is already so pretty. For makeup, we put mascara, black eyeliner, Smokey eyes, and a dark red lipgloss.

Nothing to fancy.. Well maybe a little. When we were done we turned Elsa around so she could see her new makeover.

"" She said in a low voice. "I LOVE it! Thank you guys!"

"No problem Els. I better get ready so we can head to school" Punzie replied.

When punz waz finished we made our way to school.

~at school~

Jack POV

Hiccup and I were at our lockers waiting on the girls when all of a sudden the whole school gasps and starts whispering.

"Omg is that Elsa?"

"I feel so bad after what happened."

"I know who do such a thing to a poor girl"

"Her father that's who"

"Elsa I'm sorry for being mean. Will you go out with me?"

The last one kinda irritated me so Hiccup and I made our way to the entrance and found them. As we got closer Hiccup stopped and looked at me with shock.

"Um Jack you might wanna look at this." He said and moved aside. O-M-G! O.O Elsa turned around amd smiled at me. Wow she is so beautiful.

"Hey frosty." She said.

"Elsa omg you look.. You look so beautiful. I mean you're always gorgeous no matter what" I said jumbling my words.

"*giggles* Oh Jack st-" she started saying before I interrupted her with a long kiss. She kissed me back and the school went into shock and Started whispering.

"Omg they are soo cute"

"Nooo. How come Jack gets all the hottest women"

"Jack no! Don't go for her to for me please!"


After that we went to music class so we could preform our songs.


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Peace out


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