Chapter 2: Grave of a Beloved Warrior

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Spoiler alert If you haven't read through Baki Part 4. 

Kaoru smiled his teeth were stained with dried blood from countless fights and his cheeks stretched unnaturally. "There's someone I want you to meet!" he spoke with a certain air of excitement that would be found only in a child. "Oi Bartender I'm gonna take this bottle" He addressed the bartender, the bartender couldn't say no due to the overwhelmingly intimidating nature that comes from a man of Kaoru's size. Kaoru stood up and began to walk out, you could only follow with your camera swaying from its sling. He walked silently as he everyone walked around him, it was as if a sea of man was being parted by this beast of a man. You began to jog just to keep up with his behemoth steps. He pointed his large fingers leading the way towards a cemetery in the distance, just as quickly as he had brought his hands out of his pockets, they withdrew. the bottle was cleverly stashed away in his suit. You cocked your head in confusion. "Why a work there or something?" you asked comedically. Karou clenched a fist. "NO" his answer split the air like a hefty knife, the world became silent as you heard your steps underneath you. Kaoru stopped at the entrance of the cemetery. he began wiping tears from his eyes, he entered the cemetery with the sounds of grass being trampled. You sped after him. you stopped as you saw him sobbing in front of a small headstone. in one swift gesture, he removed the bottle of whiskey from his suit. "Retsu, here drink up!" he said removing the cap of the bottle and dumping the contents unto the grave. "Whose grave is that?" You asked as Kaoru noticed you, he took a long good look at you absorbing your looks before turning back towards the grave. "A friend of mine, Retsu Kaioh...He was struck down by Musashi Miyamoto" Kaoru said rubbing his eyes. "Musashi Miyamoto the samurai?..from legend?" " sounds far fetched and I barely understand it myself" He sighed as he stood up his hulking body lumbering upwards. "who was Retsu Kaioh in life?" "Well...."

To be Continued!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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