Dreaming of you

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Hey Guys, Anonymous Latina here kickin' it Romantic Sty-O

I do not own Hey Arnold

I do now own this wonderful song by Selena Quintanilla

"My 6 th fanfic... Woo Hooo"



Late at night when all the world is sleeping,

I'd stay up and think of you

1:00am, I smiled again another night thinking of you...The One Person that has ever made me feel this way

And I'd wish on a star

That somewhere you are thinking of me too

And, how I wish upon that bright star that shines above, the same bright star that leaves me a reminder of your eyes...Will you ever think of me?

Cuz I'm dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight

I begin to walk back inside, Tomorrow will be another day, even if I don't mean anything to you, I still look forward to it, because it's another day... Another day I get to spend near you

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, Then here in my room,

Dreaming about you and me

You and Me? Could it ever be?

I've had these feelings for too long, and all I have are these dreams, these vivid dreams that give me hope

Wonder if you even see me

And I wonder if you know I'm there

If you looked in my eyes

Would you see what's inside?

Would you even care?

I've known you almost my whole life,

16 years, and you've never looked at me, the way you look at others?...

And everytime I look deeply into your eyes, I always see them looking back at me differently

Would you ever Notice me?

Would you ever Notice my feelings for you?

Do even care?

I just wanna hold you close

But so far, all I have are dreams of you

So, I wait for the day and the courage to say

How much I love you (Yes, I do)

I Love You! Will you Ever love me?

Why am I so afraid of this feeling?

I'll be dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Then here in my room,

Dreaming about you and me

1:00am, I just hung up the phone with you, I smiled again another night of me being in love with you

Ahhh...I can't stop dreaming of you

Ahhh...I can't stop dreamin

And I let my heart speak again, I had this desire in me to step out into the warm night, and just stare.. Stare at the same bight shining star above

Late at night when all the world is sleeping

I'd stay up and think of you

And I still can't believe that you came up to me

And said, "I love you; I love you too"

Helga, I smiled again, The beautiful Name that makes my heart skip a beat,

Today I built up the courage,

It was a risk that I was willing to take

Still can't believe you agreed to meet me at Tina Park.

With no plans and no lines, I just let my heart speak what I feel

And not too long after, Your heart spoke to me even louder

You did look at me differently you truly did.

I never would of thought... Helga G. Pataki in love with me?

Me, the Football-Head that for some unexplainable reason you gave negative attention to?

Now I'm dreaming with you tonight

Till tomorrow, and for all of my life

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Then here in my room,

Dreaming with you endlessly...

I take one last look upon the bright star that loves to meet me every night

"Until tomorrow, I will always Love You... Good Night Helga"

Not too far... a few blocks away, In the Pataki residence stood none other than Helga looking up at the star that shone above, though the open widow

"I will always Love You... Good Night Arnold my Love"



Hope you Guyz Enjoyed it! Don't forget to...


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