Stealing kisses From Loki

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In my dreams thats when he appears to me, he is the most memorizing man I've ever laid my eyes upon.

I'm slowing running through the fields while snow falls all around me, its cold out because it is the

beginning of winter. My long silky black dress falls loosely behind me, I am barefoot as my blonde hair

is in every which way blowing because of the wind. I turn around looking behind me trying to see if I find

him once again, I can only be with him for so long until I wake up.

"Where are you?" I shout out so that he may hear me calling for him. "Behind you." I hear him whisper in

my ear, he always disappears on me, its no wonder they call him God of Mischief. I look again but I don't

see him. "Please it's almost time for me to wake up." It makes me sad that I can only see him in my

dreams if only there was a way for me to get him into the world I hate the most maybe it wouldn't be as bad. "Close your eyes, and I will appear." He whispers to me once again. I close my eyes and when I do I feel

him very near me. He smells so wonderful like anything I've ever inhaled. I become dizzy just knowing he's right in front of me. I slowly open my eyes and look at him. He's very gorgeous, his eyes wander and look

at my lips I know what he is thinking but as soon as he can do anything I move closer to him. I've been

ready to do what Im about to do for the longest time but I've never really had the courage to do it.

I close my eyes and slowly tiptoe to where I am at his same height because I'm a bit short, I

place my lips upon his and feel how warm they are as I kiss him but for some strange reason I

feel different, and thats when I know I've run out of time, but as I still have my eyes close i don't care

what happens I just continue kissing him, the kiss is so sweet yet amazing its unlike any kiss I've ever had, like I could float away at any moment if he wasn't holding onto me. I suddenly feel weird like I could feel

the earth shaking, I suddenly open my eyes and when I do there's something that startles me. I can't

believe what I'm seeing right in front of me, maybe I was in another dream but it was impossible because

I look around and its my room, but laying down right beside me is Loki. I tell myself how could this

have happened, I don't know why its like this I mean I don't mind it. Maybe it was because I had kissed

him when I was about to wake up. It was all confusing to me....

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