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According to Wikipedia-- A library is an organized collection of resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both.

A library is a place where weird and damn genius people hang. They read stupid books and do some useless things like research. But not to me, library? such a boring place to stay.

It was 7 a.m when I entered the school, too early for my first class. I felt bored at home so I decided to go to school early. I'm in the lobby waiting for nothing, when a nerdy looking but handsome man caught my attention. He is carrying lots of books, and I can see that he is in difficulty, maybe the books are too heavy or they are just so many. Suddenly some of the books fell. There are only few people in the lobby and no one tried to help him, because everybody is busy except me.

He looks at me as if he is asking for help. I helped him since I am doing nothing. I accompanied him to the library.

"Miss thank you."He sincerely said with a big smile on his handsome face.

"No need to mention."I replied without any expression and went out of the library.

At 9 a.m it's time for my first class, Economics. When I entered the room a note is posted on the board. It states that the professor is absent and he is leaving us a task for us to do something during his period. The task is to go to the library and research about taxation.

Well, I really hate going to the library. I find it a super boring place, no noise, not allowed to talk and I hate seeing tons of books. But I decided to go to the library thinking that I might see again that nerdy handsome man. But I can't find him, maybe he has a class, I stayed in the library to waste some of my time.

Like what the others do, I also seek for that stupid book, damn called "taxation". When I found the book I look for a vacant seat and started to scan the book. While scanning and reading some chapters I feel so sleepy. What the eff, I can't understand taxation.

I yawn and raise my two hands with all force.

"Why do I have to do this stupid research, damn that professor."I murmured and push the stupid book I was reading away from me.


"what?"I asked the guy beside me, I can't see his face because it is covered by the book he is reading.

"Shut up, we're inside the library" He calmly said without looking at me, still I can't see his damn face.

"So what? Like I care. Tsk" I sarcastically replied.

"Can't you see you are disturbing those people who are busy studying?"He said, still not looking at me.

"Studying? HAHAHA is that a sort of a joke, or what?"

He put down the book and glares at me. He is the nerdy handsome guy I helped little while ago."What do you mean?"

"Tell me if they are studying” I pointed some girls from our back."Reading novel is not studying; it's a form of entertainment."I can see his confused face.

"Okay fine, as you said. I won't argue anymore. Do your task." He said and pulls the book towards me.

"I won't, even if I read that stupid book a hundred times, still I can't understand that." I push the book again.

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