How They Meet

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Olivia Benson:
Olivia and her son Noah were at the playground. Olivia was sitting on the bench when a dog came running up to her and smelling her. The dog started licking her and she heard a woman call the dogs name.The woman came up and grabbed the dog by the leash and she apologised to her the woman sat down next to Olivia and the started talking.

Amanda Rollins:
Amanda was sitting at the bar after stressful day with her family. All of a sudden a woman sat next to her and she looked like she been crying. Amanda knew it wasn't her place to ask what's wrong but she did anyway, The girl told her that her girlfriend was cheating on her. Amanda said she shouldn't be worried about that and that a girl as beautiful as her shouldn't cry over that

Fin Tutuola:
They went to high school together and stayed life long friends.

Rafael Barba:
You were being held hostage by a guy in a apartment. All of a sudden the guy got shot and his blood splattered all of you. paramedics and a guy walked in, the guy helped you up and walked you out of the building.
*at the hospital*
The guy who helped you walked in and asked if you were okay and you said yeah, he asked your name and you told him. When you were let out he asked if you wanted to do something.

Dominick 'sonny' Carisi:
You were a dean at Hudson university. It was a normal day until you got a call from a class saying a girl was going crazy. You walked down there and seen one of the best students Mia Carisi attacking a boy. Your grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her to your office and asks her what's wrong. She started saying the boy raped her and she started crying. You tried to call her parents but no one answered. You asked her if there was Anyone else you could call and she said  yes there is my brother and she gave you his phone number you called him and told him what happened he told you he would be there as soon as he can. He showed and you guys talked and he's said thank you for pulling her out before she can do something bad.

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