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  • Dedicated to to the lad who confuses me all the time

i don't know since when,

i felt this silly little feelings towards you.

whenever you're around or not,

there isn't any difference.

because, one time

like i always overthink things

about "what ifs" or "what could've been" 

if things don't screwed up that easily.

on the other way around

i feel so great,

that for the entire day

i didn't even think about you.

maybe, i am just distracted 

or maybe not.

because at the end of the day,

i always end up;

thinking about you.

you're all over my system

seems like your system is tattooed

all over my mind, heart and soul.

it never lasts a day, without me

to end up of thinking of you,

it's automatic.

it all made me realize that,

this feelings aren't silly nor little.

yet, it's even bigger than i've ever imagined.

because, just how things in this world confuse me,

this feelings confuses me too,

confuses me on how i really feel towards you.


{note: i wrote this last april or may, and that's summer here in the Philippines and i revised it today and it still sucks. i'm sorry for that.}

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