Chapter 1

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[this story begins during the forest training ark]

Quirkless is looking through Damo, first watching Tomakaru take on Muscular and win, Quirkless is not shocked as he already has some notes and her from the sports festival which she came close to winning, but lost to Daboyami because there was no metal around for her to utilize and she still had not mastered One for All. Quirkles starts taking some notes on Kota, who he thinks may be a student at UA in the future.

He also watches Tokoyami and Shoji's battle with Darkshadow and takes a lot of notes on him, figuring that they would need to put Both up against him

He watches Daboyami and Kacchan barely hold up against Moonfish, it makes him incredibly happy to see Kacchan struggling, but when he thinks of the goal of this mission he becomes even more excited for what's soon to come. When he has Damo move back to Tokoyami he sees that a beat up Tomakaru is hatching a plan with Shoji and wishes desperately that they had a telepath like Mandalay, but he just has to watch as Moonfish is completely crushed by Darkshadow. Then Kacchan and Daboyami calm Darkshadow and capture Moonfish, and Kacchan was cocky as ever. Quirkless was even more excited now.

[DISCONTINUED] Quirkless | Villian Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now