Setting the Scene

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  This story takes place in the world of My Hero Academia, with a little twist, you see the public knows that All Might has One for All but the public has not been told who it has been given to, also there are a few new members of the league of villains, including the main character of this story a villain named Quirkless, it's simple he is quirkless and was bullied for it by someone he looked up to, who he calls Kacchan. 

After Kacchan pushed Quirkless away when he tried to save him from a sludge villain Quirkless had had enough and went to join the LoV where he is in charge along with Shigaraki. Quirkless also has a boyfriend who is also a member of the LoV named Both. Both was made to surpass the no. 1 hero All Might by his father, Endeavor, his goal is to kill his father and avenge his mother, his quirk is Half-Cold Half-Hot, he emits ice from his right side and fire from his left. 

Also, Dabi is not in the LoV in this story. 

Kacchan is a Student at UA. 

You may have realized then that someone other than Midoriya must have inherited One for All, and that person's name is Tomakaru. She has the quirk to make metal turn to liquid and to control it, now also with One for All she is a well-rounded hero who can easily fight and capture. 

Another new UA student is Daboyami, his quirk is called Blue Fire, he can emit very hot blue fire from his hands. He came second in the Sports Festival. 

Now more about Quirkless, for the LoV he makes analyses on all pro heroes and any UA students he can. He also makes plans of attack. Another villain to join the LoV is Damo, whose quirk is called Window, it allows him to become a window to any place he desires and is invisible where the window is opened, other people can look through the window, this is the Main way Quirkless finds out about the UA students.  

[DISCONTINUED] Quirkless | Villian Deku AUWhere stories live. Discover now