T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Darniels pov (I miss darniel R.I.P)

I held Emma's mom in my arms as she cried. Both of our tears were on the couch, as if a river were going to become of them.

We pulled away from the hug, and she placed a hand on my cheek. "I'm promise, I will get her back. No matter what." I say in a whisper tone.

She nods, the rising to her feet. She walks over to the fireplace, and grabs a frame. She looks at the picture, wiping off some dust.

Walking over to me, I looked at her. She looks just like Emma, but with brown hair.

She handed me the frame, and I look at it.

It's a picture of Emma and I. As kids playing on a tire swing. I was pushing Emma, while she laughed in the middle of it.

"I always knew you guys had a special connection" she said, nodding to the frame.

I smile as I think of how long we had known each other.

"Keep it, and never forget the bond you guys have" she simply says, turning around and going to her room.

"I won't"


Okokok, sooooo y'all. This book may get a lil' serious, and please don't read if you can't handle sensitive topics. Thanks 💕✌️

Emma pov (wdw-gatorade  u happy?)

I raised my head as I feel something being tied to my hands.


I look down, and see someone putting my ankles in some sort of handcuffs.

What do they want?

Some guy picks me up, and throws me over his shoulder.


I grunt as I feel his shoulder blade hit my pelvis.

I want Daniel

He stops, and I hear a click


He opens a door, and throws me on a bed.

I NEED Daniel

He scoffs and ties my hands and feet to the bed frame

I thought I wanted a bed, but not this one

He looks one more time at me, and then turns around

I want a bed

He walks a couple paces, then stops

I want a bed with Daniel in it

He stands firm, his hands behind his back

I want all the boys

His eyes glued to the hallway

I want their craziness

They don't falter when a man walks in.

I shouldn't have gone to the audition

The man looks at me, and smirks

What have I done?

He goes to the bedside table and grabs a blue tie

Please help me

He ties it around my mouth, and I scream

Please, please, please

He laughs and looks at me, vulnerable


His hands move to his belt, and undo the clip


In a minutes time, his clothes are off.

No, no, no

I feel the tears streaming down my face, but he rubs them off with his thumb

Anything but this

I gasp as pain shoots up my body

I feel myself breaking

I look down and see blood

He's tearing me apart

I scream, but he just laughs.

I can't do anything else

I practically give up, and the pain numbs my body

I'm broken
I'm shattered
I'm lost
He's taken me
Taken something from me
Something I can't take back

He's taken me.


EDIT: OK SO APPARENTLY BrambleWish had a dirty mind. When she says she wants a bed with Daniel, I meant like cuddling. And with all the boys. I meant like, all of them goofing off together. Oh my lanta get your head out of that place guys 😤😤😤

Yoooooooo what's up ✌️ wdw-gatorade forced me to make this. Sooooo yeah.

Ily guys.

Almost 25K

That's crazy

But not as crazy as this boooook

Ily, bye 💕💕💕

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