Chapter 8

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The highwaymen had me trapped inside the tight circle and I knew of the rumors and the horror that surrounded those unfortunate ladies that had been taken by these foul creatures. Trying not to wail pathetically, I aimed to keep my breathing steady. I had to find a way out of this. I would not be mauled by these coarse monsters, pawing me everywhere. 

"Release me and I will ensure that you will receive gold," I entreated the leader. He was a tall man, but with an ugly face and small little eyes. Perusing me with a foul smile, he replied. 

"Jus' a few moment ago, ya tol' me ya were poor. Now, es' hard to thin' an all, that ya poor one minute, then rich the nex'." I shuddered as he bared his yellowed teeth at me, his eyes looking me up and down. Fighting the urge to attack him, I continued with my persuasion. 

"You would understand perfectly to why I lied. Now, I am in this situation, I am in the position to buy myself out of it. Know this, if you lay a hand upon me, I will make sure that you do not receive any money, if it takes my death to do it." 

"Ya a feisty one, ain't ya?" the leader sneered at me. "Naw, wha' we gon' do wi' er', lads?" 

"We're gettin' monies tonight any'ow!" 

"Le's 'ave her! Stuff the princess' gold!"

"Naw, naw," he laughed, turning back to me. "She might be worth a pretty penny, lads." 

"Bett'r doin' what women do, than offer us a man's gold!" One of the mob jeered. 

"Yeah! Take 'er!" 

"Sorry, little princess," the leader whispered harshly in my ears. "Ya gold's no good 'ere!" The leader grabbed me around the waist and I screamed, high and piercing. The mob cheered and one stuffed a dirty handkerchief in my mouth, and a tattered piece of material around my eyes. Surging along, I was pulled along, feeling utterly helpless.

Suddenly, the highwaymen all halted, a few 'Ouch's and retorts heard as the pause caused a few injuries. It was tense and quiet: my tears wettening the tough fabric. Maybe this was where they would take me. It was all-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a low, familiar voice warned the crew. When no voices joined his chorus, I wondered at who it was. What gentleman would brave a mob of scoundrels to save a lady's life. I doubted my pathetic bethrothed would do any such thing. 

"An' why not?" I heard the leader speak contemptously. There was a swishing sound and he stopped talking. "Naw, naw, le's jus' sort 'is out, 'ere. No offence mean', no offence mean'."

"You will release the lady." Even though some act had frightened the leader, I heard a mix of uproarious laughter. 

"What? Ya thin' ya can beat us all, with tha' piddly, little sword?" 

"I know I can beat you all with this supposed piddly little sword." The answer came confidently from the stranger and I felt worried for this would-be saviour of mine. It did seem like rotton odds. Though, a little hope did spring to life in my breast, for before had been simply darkness and the knowledge of my imminent undoing. 

"So, do you accept my offer and fly free with all your limbs intact, or would you stay and have bloodshed?" 

"Well... " the leader spoke in an affected tone, mocking the newcomer's speech. "I thin' I'll take me chances, don't ya thin' so lads?" 

"YEAH!" The mob agreed with a fervour that frightened me. These men might have been the rats of the sewers, but they had no such qualms of killing a lone man: ten to one. 

"On your head, be it," the stranger said softly. As silence grew, I wondered what had occurred. But as a cry of pain sounded out, I knew it to be the sound of the battle's beginning. I was shoved to the side roughly, falling over and landing heavily in the dirt. All I could hear was the sound of swishing and the roars of anger and hurt from the crew. I struggled to get my hands to the fabric over my eyes but I was hopeless at undoing knots. 

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