Interest (longer)

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[Now, of course, I'll take full liberty on the reader's interests, so I'm sorry if you don't like some of them.

I hope you enjoy anyway! ^^]


"So, how have those few weeks been with (Y/n) Tom?" Brian asked, sitting on the demon boy's bed, the white bunny lying on his lap while Tom was walking in circle in thought, perplexed.

"Great I think? I mean, she didn't stop talking to me so far, we can actually talk for hours and it's really cool, she's really cool..." he said that last part to himself with a smile before his expression twisted into a worried one. "But the thing is, we only went on one date once and we just talked since then... What if she actually blame me for messing up with the dinner thing and she keeps talking to me because she's too amazing?!"

"Tom Tom Tom..." the life coach repeated in a comforting manner as he walked towards him, gently putting the light pink bunny in Tom's hands. "You told me she claimed that this date was the best night of her life, do you really think such words could be a lie?"

Tom looked down at the little sleepy animal and petted his head. Brian putted a hand on his shoulder.

"Tom, maybe (Y/n) wants to see you again too, you should probably just ask her out again. Communication is everything in a relationship."

"Thank you Brian..." Tom smiled.

He walked towards his bed and grabbed his phone which was on the said bed, after a long debate with himself to choose the right words, he sent his request of another date to the earth human girl.

Wearing her pajamas to be more comfortable , (Y/n) was sitting on her bed, her computer beside her playing some funky 80's songs as background music to put her in a good mood while she was sewing one of her shirt that got torn up a little bit at her PE class today. Moving her head to the rhythm and lip-syncing, she noticed her phone buzzing, signaling that she received a text. She puts her needle and shirt aside to take the device and smiled when she saw from who it was:

[Tom]: Hey~ You wanna meet up next week?

(Y/n) responded immediately.

[You]: Sure!

[Tom]: Awesome! :)
Any preferences?

[You]: Mmm...
Surprise me! ;)

(Y/n) unknowingly let out a giggle as she imagined where the demon boy might get her, maybe it won't be in the under-world this time? Maybe it'll be in a different dimension! (Y/n)'s smile only got bigger as her imagination made a 180° turn with the multiverse's possibilities, and she only realized that she looked like a goof when she noticed her face on her big old mirror hanging on her wall. Rising a hand to her cheeks, she squeezed them to decrease her giant grin into a small smile as she took her shirt and needle again, wondering what Tom was preparing for her...

"Oh you got to be kidding me!" the said boy yelled at his phone.

"What's wrong Tom?" Brian asked as he sat on Tom's bed beside him to look at the phone's screen.

"I asked her where she wanted to go and she just replied with 'Surprise me', what am I suppose to do?!" he said while running his hands through his hair and let himself fall backwards on the giant bed.

"So...why don't you surprise her by taking her somewhere new and private." the life coach suggested.

"Brain are you crazy?!" Tom immediately responded, using his legs to create a balance effect to get him to sat up. Grabbing his life coach's shoulders. "Last time I wanted to impress her it was a horrible mistake! I won't make any this time!" he got up and started to walk in circles, thinking out loud. "This needs to be somewhere she likes, somewhere she'd be comfortable..."

Tom x reader (one shot + sequel)Where stories live. Discover now