But they didn't want to think about it yet, because it was easier to deny it.

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That was the only thing in my mind when I was pulling Rosé away from Jimin and Jerko- I mean, Jungkook.

—"If we won't hurry we will be late for dance. You can dream about him later if you want, but please, for now move. And stop eating him with your eyes Ros."

We stopped next to our lockers, put back there some notebooks and took out our sweatsuits and crop tops.
When I closed it a loud bell sounded.
Shit. We need to hurry. I sended Rosé
this you-know-what-that-means look and we run together to changing room. Some girls including Momo, who's dancing with us sometimes, greeted us when we entered the room but I just smiled at them. I really can't do it now. We changed in our clothes quickly and left. How shocked I was when we run fast into dance studio and saw Jungkook with Jimin were sitting there, with girls around them. We locked ours eyes and he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and sat as far from them as I could. I really don't know why those girls are all over them. They are fuckboys, come on. You can clearly see it. They aren't even trying to hide it. But Rosé. She of course couldn't stop staring at her new crush.

—"Earth to Ros. I know that you like him, but when we will be dancing focus a little okey? It's about our grades, you know that."

—"Even if I would look at him, he wouldn't pay attention to me."

I looked at her. Her eyes were sad as she was eyeing Jimin and all the girls around them. They are just playboys. But she is your best friend. I can't be cruel and tell it loud. So I choose different way.

—"You are awesome, you know that. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Youngjae likes you, he told you about it. You said he is cute! Why you just won't give him a shot? I like him, he is nice and not a jerk."

She didn't take her eyes away from him when she answered me.

—"Maybe you're right. I like him too. I'll try to catch him later."

While I smiled and talk to her, our teacher, Mrs.Kim came into studio. She greeted us happily and we answered her loudly. She noticed new guys and asked them some questions about dance. She wanted them to dance and they agreed without hesitation. When they went to the middle I still had my eyes on him. On the other hand, he didn't take his from me. I can't understand him. He was mean before, and now, he is looking at me in that way. What's wrong with this guy? What does he want from me?

—"They are pretty good actually, you need to admit it Lis."

—"Yeah." I said, when my eyes were following Jungkook's moves. "They are".

Loud cheers and claps were heard while boys finished and went to sat down. But, to the disappointment of the girls, they sat in another place, probably didn't want to die in the perfume fumes which, I was sure about it, people from the other side of the city could smell.

Then some of groups danced, and some of their choreographies were, I don't know, too seductive maybe? I know exactly what those girls were planning to do. But I need to admit, when I saw that Jungkook and Jimin were laughing at them I couldn't stop myself and I chuckled a little. Not so long after Rosé and me were crying because what we were seeing, that was definitely too much for ours precious eyes. We only stopped when Mrs.Kim asked us, or should I said, begged us to dance. I could clearly see that she was frustrated. Well, I wasn't surprised. I picked the song and went to Rosé. I smiled at her before we started and she smiled back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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