2 - Alec, Shadowhunter

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Page one of Magnus's Diary

My dear Alexander,

I had no idea how to put this into words. How to tell you everything from my past and how to explain how much you mean to me. So I guess I'll start from what I can remember although the memories are fading quick. 

One of the earliest memories I can recall is meeting a man. A man who was a Warlock like myself. See, I killed my mother coming into this world so I have no memories of her or of what so ever. So for now I'll settle with this man. I was probably thirteen and in an orphanage in London at the time. I had no idea what was happening to me. No families wanted me because of my cat-like eyes and then when the magic started I freaked out. But One day there was a man performing magic tricks near the Thames. Now it shouldn't have surprised me at all but it did. This magic didn't seem like any other form of magic I had ever seen. It didn't include magic bunnies coming out of hats, or hankerchiefs or any of that. No instead brilliant pink fire shot out from his fingertips. He made things appear out of thin air.

It reminded me of what was happening at that moment to myself. So after the show when he was packing up I confronted him. Pushed him against the wall until he told me what he was. Who he was. And he told me the truth....about himself and about me. He said that I was a Warlock as well and if I liked he would take me under his wing. I thought about the Orphanage and about the conditions I was living in and i agreed. I couldn't stay there. They would kick me out and I'd have no where to go. So I went with this man, a man called James.

Over the next ten years he taught me everything I should know about being a Warlock. He told me about Shadowhunters, other downworlders and taught me how to make portals. Which might I add made travelling costs decrease dramatically. One day my mentor didn't come home. I was scared, having grown quite fond of this man. When I caught my first glimpse at the shadowhunters...that was when I knew that I would never break any rules. I would hide for a very long time so that I may get away from them. They scared me.

They killed James. 

Alec closed the leather bound book that Magnus had given him when they got home. He wasn't quite sure what to do with it but he decided he may as well read it. Luckily for him Clarry was a lot better at making portals. She had made a portal so he could sleep next to Magnus last night and another one so he could disappear in the morning. He felt bad for leaving but he hadn't seen Jace in what seemed like forever. So he decided that he may as well bond over some demon killing. Now that Jace was free from the heavenly fire he and Clarry have been making up for lost time. 

But still he hadn't seen his parabatai in what seemed like forever. 

He walked up the front steps of the institute knowing that his parents were in Idris so it didn't matter. He wouldn't have to see them. He knocked and the door swung wide open for him. As Alec made his way down the halls towards one of the lounge area's he came across Church. Who as always laid beneath a window sill flicking his tail in annoyance.

"Hi Church," Alec cooed. The cat cast him a look as if to say, 'never talk to me again.' "Why do cats not like me?" He thought aloud. 

"You're too uptight," jace said rolling his eyes. Alec looked up at his parabatai who was leaning casually against one of the many doors leading to a bedroom. 

"Nice to see you too," Alec mumbled.

"I thought you were with Magnus," jace said folding his arms. "Don't tell me you're moving in here."

"You can't get me back that easily Wayland."

"Sounds weird," Jace said clearing his throat. "Anyways why aren't you with Magnus? Not that I don't love you because I absolutely do but I thought you wanted to be there for him?"

"I ended up coming home early. I thought maybe we could slay some demons or something..." Alec said trailing off. 

"Well we could," Jace agreed. "If there were any to kill."

"You're telling me there's no demon activity in the whole of New York?" 

"None whatsoever," Jace said tapping a finger thoughtfully on a nearby window sill. "Why did you turn it down?"

"What are you talking about?" Alec mused whilst leaning down to give Church a scratch behind the ear.

Jace sighed and he looked at his parabatai, his adopted brother and long time friend. Alec looked right back expressionless before giving out a sigh. He hated Jace when he came to them at the institute. Absolutely hated him, but before long he came to love him. Now he was starting to hate how many questions he was asking. He wasn't sure he liked how it felt exactly. He wished that he were back home with Magnus watching infomercials on sham wows. 

"You turned down being head of the institute...why?"

Alec shrugged to Jace's question. "I don't want it. I should but I don't. Instead I want to spend what remaining time I have with my boyfriend." 

"Yet you aren't with him." Jace squinted a little. "I don't understand you."

"You don't have too," Alec said sharply. Taking in a few deep breaths he knew that Jace was right. He should be with Magnus but one long night in Alicante was enough. He didn't even know if he could go there. Then when he came back his father offered him the head of the institute position. He would be trained and then in a few years they'd pass it to him. But Alec realised he would have to be in Idris some. He would miss out on time with Magnus. Downworlders aren't supposed to live in the institute forever and there was no way he was giving up Magnus again. 

Jace shrugged. "Clarry made cookies if you'd like one."

"I turned it down because you'd make a better head figure than I."

"You're an amazing warrior and leader Alec," Jace said with a sigh. "I wish I had of listened to you more."

Church getting annoyed by the conversation left the room after a meow. Alec looked up and saw Jace standing there looking sincere. He couldn't have possibly been serious. Alec wouldn't have made a good leader, he can barely make his own dinner. That's probably why they got take out so much when Maryse and Robert weren't there. He knew that Clarry could support Jace emotionally through all the training. He could still be his Parabatai but they had different lives now. Alec knew it was for the best. 

"I wish you weren't so hot headed," Alec said with a grin. 

"Bit hard not to be with that heavenly fire," Jace said grinning back. "Besides I'm so hot it's hard for it not to go to my head."

"You let too many things go to your head." Alec said wrapping an arm around the younger boys shoulders and pulling him towards the kitchen. "Wait...did you say Clarry made cookies?"

And then the fire alarm went off.

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