1 - High Warlock of Idris

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Magnus Bane walked slowly down the paths of Idris wondering back to the house specifically designed to hold the warlock representative. He sighed and stopped by one of the waterways to just let his feet sit in the water for a while. He played around with the blue flame that seemed to dance on his finger tips. The water seemed to soak his sore feet and while his voice still hoarse he wouldn't resort to drinking the filthy canal water. After a while he got back up, slipping back on his fashionable hot pink sandals with rhindstones, and kept walking to the house. He was so tired but he couldn't stop thinking about his apartment back home. In the bed Alec would be lying in all alone with perhaps Chairman Meow.

The cat wasn't overly fond of his boyfriend living with them now but he seemed to accept it. He seemed to think that perhaps Chairman Meow was just glad he didn't throw those overly elaborate parties and he wouldn't get picked up as much. Alec sure did know how to respect the cat's privacy which gave them a bond. Alec didn't pick Chairman Meow up and he stopped pooping in his boots.

Magnus sighed remembering how Alec had almost moved back to the institute. He didn't want that, so of course, he sat down and had a proper talk with that cat. After that everything seemed to be fairly okay. Until the Clave called.

Magnus knew that when the Clave called it was never a good thing. Last time he'd been in Idris was when they had gotten back from the demon realms and they'd decided what they were going to do with the Blackthorn children. It was something that Magnus and Alec had tried very hard to forget. Often they were awake at night, Magnus introducing Alec to the beautiful world of infomercials, watching television or something equally as nice. They no longer took pleasure in watching horrors even though they weren't realistic and their world was much more horrifying.

Still it was something that Magnus liked to forget about.

This time the Clave had called to make sure all downworlders were staying to the accords. The fey being under careful watch of course. Magnus sure enough had to tell them that the Warlocks didn't want any trouble and have been staying inside of the accords. He of course didn't have the heart to tell them that one Warlock was roaming around messing with them. Ragnor Fell. The Shadowhunters have been chasing a demon that apparently has been taking a little bit of human blood and then wiping their memories. Of course they thought maybe the Vampires had something to do with it.

They didn't.

Ragnor Fell has been driving them crazy and Magnus found it quite entertaining to say the least. He let Alec know and he of course doubled over in laughter. The Clave had made Alec go on this wild goose chase for four weeks before he told them that it disappeared out of New York and he had no more leads. Then they'd sent other Shadowhunters after it. Jace had made Alec take some time off after that claiming that Clarissa needed more time outside hunting demons. Much to his dislike Alec reluctantly agreed. Magnus could laugh at the thought of when he got home and found Alec lying on the couch watching Infomercials complaining he was getting fat.

He walked inside the house for the Warlock representative. It was lit up by witchlight, which Magnus had always found eerie. At least he wouldn't stumble in the darkness, he was able to move towards the main bedroom and collapse on it breathing out a sigh of relief. The bed was extraordinarily comfortable and he didn't want to move, scared that he may never see this bed again, but it was empty. He missed the familiar touch of Alec next to him. Though they barely slept cuddling. Still he sighed and wondered when he could go home. He'd portal there right now if he had the chance but he was pretty sure the Clave would be very unhappy with him. Not to mention he didn't like the marks it left on his living room wall.

His sandals were still on but he was too tired to remove them. He stared at the rhindstones and thought about how often they looked absurd. Once again his mind wondering back to Alec. When he first bought them home and Alec said they reminded him of women's shoes.

"You know thinking about me too much is going to give you a headache," said the familiar voice in the doorway. Magnus looked up and saw Alec standing there with his arms crossed. He wasn't dressed in Shadowhunter gear, in fact he was dressed in pyjamas.

"What are you doing here?" Magnus asked perhaps a little too harshly.

"I can leave if you'd like," Alec said not moving an inch.

"No," Magnus cried out rubbing his face with one hand. "Please don't leave."

Alec came and sat beside him on the bed pulling his head towards him so it rested on his shoulder. Magnus breathed in the scent of his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around Alec's waist. His head resting on the younger boys shoulder.

"Mag I was worried," Alec said using his pet name for his boyfriend. "You said that you would call and you didn't."

"I was wandering." Magnus pulled back and looked into Alec's eyes.

"How long were you out there for?"

"I'm...not sure," Magnus replied scrunching up his face. "The meeting....was tiring."

"I thought it was just to check the accords."

"It was...originally," Magnus said with a small sigh. "But...nothing ever goes to plan with the Clave."

"No," Alec said agreeing. "No it doesn't."

"The Blackthorn boy, Mark I think his name is, the one taken by the the Wild Hunt...they've let him go."

"What?" Alec shrieked with astonishment. "But we tried negotiating and they said no. They said he was one of them."

"Apparently they changed their minds," Magnus said.

"Well this is great! Where is he? Will he be returning to the Los Angeles institute?"

"He'll be returning to the silent brothers in the City of Bones," Magnus said rubbing his temples.

"Why do they need him?"

"Because he's dead Alec..." Magnus said half crying out. "They let him go because they killed him."


"You mustn't speak of this to anyone...the Blackthorns have only been notified and Julian isn't happy. He's wanting to seek revenge."

Alec snorted. "He's like twelve."

"But he's an amazing warrior."

"He shouldn't be one," Alec said with a tone of finality.

"My dear Alexander why is it I seem to know more about your people than you?"

"Because unlike you Mag I avoid being around them as much as I can." Alec laid down drawing the covers around his chin. Magnus lay down behind him and pulled him close. "I won't tell."


"What happened to Mark. I won't say a thing."

"Thank you," Magnus mumbled against the back of Alec's neck. He pressed his lips to his neck before he felt sleep pulling him under.

MalecOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora