3 Post-History

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Her sanctuary. She lies down on the mattress that seems to be harder than a rock and a pillow stuffed with goose feathers. Yunho has left after claiming that the queen has finally 'lost her mind', offering no further explanation to what he meant. It did not ease her mind, in fact she's now lying on what is a sad excuse of a bed and thinking about the virtue of this quest. If she refuses, it will be considered going against the queen. It was not a request, it was an order. She can't help but think, what is the queen's true intentions of asking her to find the Shadow King in exchange of her becoming princess? It does not add up. The queen has suddenly allowed her to call her by name, thrust her a dangerous order and offered her to become princess. She can never understand the queen. Yunho seems to know something, but the guy is good at keeping secrets, albeit that he's very talkative.

She knows she is not stupid, but the queen, her former friend has made her feel like the biggest fool in the kingdom. Why does she shake in fear whenever she faces the queen? Why can't she be the same Akira she is when she faces her victims? The victims beg for their lives as she draws her sword, they plead for forgiveness when they realize that it will be their last day. However, when it's her turn in front of the queen, she falls to the ground and feels so small. The queen is only three years older than her, but her position has made Akira feel as if she has been living for a thousand years.

Her eyes travel to the worn-out calendar on her wall. The large four-figure number on top indicates what year they're currently in: 3091. According to the stories that has been passed around in centuries, humanity had reached it peak a thousand years ago. They had these tiny devices they used to contact each other, or know what's happening on the other side of the world. They didn't rely on horses or carriages to ferry them around; they hopped onto vehicles that were powered by motors to travel around. There are even proofs that they had managed to fly in the air, like birds do. She had seen the pictures; she would hang out at the library for hours because she was fascinated by how the world used to be. However, the glorified days ended because of their own selfish actions. Their selfishness lead to their own destruction, and the technology they've been worshipping had eaten them whole. They left their futuristic buildings and skyscrapers as debris and rubble on the ground. The last of the known Homo sapiens had died well over a thousand years ago.

They are of the same genus, Homo, but now identify themselves as a whole new species: Homo civicus. To be more civilized than the past species.

The technology they had built back then had been encased in books, but it would take time to build civilization just like how they did. Right now, they're taking baby steps to rebuild the technology and improve them. There are still technology that they managed to preserve, like having pens and erecting stable buildings. They want to learn from the past mistakes. To make sure that they won't be wiped out just like the past species. She sneers, that might prove to be hard because humans never learn.

There is a rap on the rickety door and as she allows the knocker to enter, she is met with one of the queen's royal servants. "The queen has ordered you to make your move to the Kingdom of Nyla as soon as dawn breaks. You are to leave your sword and your vest; whatever that may give away your identity as the general. You are sent there as the Kingdom of Lucida's ambassador. The people in the palace are informed of your attendance and has promised to give their utmost hospitality. You are to carry your quest as ordered, as quietly, secretly and quickly as possible. When you are done, you may send a letter here for us to pick you up. However, failure to do so-" she stops, as if the words are too painful to be uttered. "-will result in dire consequenses."

Akira blinks. "Understood. You may leave." The servant is about to close the door as she hastily adds, "Thank you. Do send my regards to the queen."

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