Ch. 1: Beginning of the End

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"I'm sorry for leaving you alone..."

Ha Jin's cry broke the stillness of the quiet halls of the museum. The dim lights felt like the world is sympathizing with her. She tried to reach out to the painting but ended up on her knees. She could not believe that she forgot. She could not believe that she thought it was a dream. It was real. It was all real. Their love was real yet she forgot him.

 Their love was real yet she forgot him

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"Miss?" She felt someone beside her. He was holding out a handkerchief. She took the handkerchief and turned to see the man's face. Her tears blurred her sight but she could never forget this man's figure. He was wearing a white buttoned up shirt and eyeglasses.

"J-Ji Mong?" Her voice cracked as she uttered those words. Even having someone familiar within her reach did little to ease her pain.

"Ji Mong? I'm sorry miss but you must've mistook from someone else. I'm Kim Sung Kyun. I'm an archaeologist. I see that you are not feeling well?" He continued to stand beside her, keeping her company.

"I'm sorry. I thought- Never mind." She stood up and took a yearning glance at the king's painting. "He was a good king wasn't he?"

"Yes. He is one of the best kings Goryeo has ever had." Sung Kyun turned to look at Ha Jin. "Miss, we have to face our fate and accept its rewards and consequences."

"Can't I change it? If only I could go back, I would change my fate. He is alone because of me." She continued to stare at the painting.

The atmosphere of the room was solemn yet overwhelming.

"Maybe... Haha..." Sung Kyun giggled. Ha Jin was confused and turned to look at the man she thought she once knew.

"Why are you laughing?" She questioned his gesture.

"I just thought of one thing. It may sound cliche or cheesy as you would say but... I know that love is powerful enough to conquer all." He was quickly embarrassed but his eyes were reassuring. Ha Jin knew very well that what he said is true but can love really bring her back in So's arms?

"Thank you." She bowed and smiled at Sung Kyun. "I'm hoping what you said is true."


"Even if we are from different worlds, I will find you... My Soo..."

The boat rocked gently along the ripples of the lake. The wind hushed the trees and the sunset was unbelievably calming. The king was rowing gently as he felt the breeze caressing his face. He closed his eyes and imagined the image of Hae Soo, his only queen.

I will find you Hae Soo... I never gave up and never will...

The wind took a severe turn as the rustling of the leaves danced wildly along the trees. The sun was slowly swallowed in the darkness. A solar eclipse passes over the kingdom of Goryeo.

The waves of the lake suddenly hit the boat violently. The paddles which the king hang on slipped his hands. As he reaches out to catch the paddle, the boat capsized and he was sucked inside the water. It felt like a whirlpool was sucking him in. He took comfort in the fact that when he dies, he will meet Hae Soo once again.

Hae Soo... I'm coming...


A/N: Hi guys! Let's follow the tragic love story of Hae Soo and Wang So once again as they seek out for their deserved happy ending.

I love Lee Joon Gi and IU very much that I my hopes for them sparked again as I saw them in Knowing Brothers. Kyaaaa~~~ Did you see it guys? Tell me your insights about that episode or even my prologue hahaha...


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