Chapter One - Waking Up

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I woke up suddenly, gasping for breath. I couldn't see. I could hardly feel. Where was I? I wish I knew. Running my hand through my medium length brown hair, I tried to recall what had happened last. The black gray and white checkered shirt that I was wearing, the blue jeans and white sneakers, I stared at them. I inspected every thread of them, memorized each pattern, hoping that they would bring some of my memories back to me. What had happened? What was happening? No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to remember.


Daniel? Oh, that's right. That was my name. Daniel. Daniel Russel. I was... twenty seven? Somewhere around there. Strange, I looked about twelve.


"Who's there?" I called out, panicking. I only just realized the voice that echoed around the black abyss of nothingness around me. "Who are you?"

I scrambled backwards until I hit a wall, bumping my head pretty hard. A wave of dizziness hit me, and I groaned in pain.

"Daniel!" The voice yelled this time. It hurt my ears. I used the wall for balance as I pulled myself to my feet. Once I was used to standing, I began to walk. I tried walking away from the wall first. It took a while, and the voice had stopped, but I made it a few meters away from the wall successfully.

"Hello?" I called out again. "Where are... you..."

There in front of me. A figure with black hair, wearing a black hoodie, black jeans and black sneakers. He also looked twelve, maybe thirteen. He didn't seem to notice me.

"Hey... are you okay?" I hesitated, feeling a shiver go up and down my spine. My legs felt weak again. I wanted to puke. I tapped the boy on the shoulder, but there was still no reaction. Next, I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around slowly. He was facing me now, his expression and freckled face were both pale and lifeless. His eyes were gray, and stared at nothing. We both waited a few minutes, when suddenly...

He grinned at me.

I screamed, and jumped back, startled. The type of smile he was giving me... or had given me since he was gone now, was... unsettling to say at the least. It seemed evil and twisted. My stomach had butterflies, I could feel tears well up in my eyes. My palms were sweaty and my entire body shook with fear. Where was I? What was that horrible, indescribable smile that that boy had given me? I wanted to go home. I wanted to be home, even without my memories. From what I did remember, I had my parents and two brothers who loved me, my best friend, who had always been by my side, and neighbors who had been looking out for me ever since I was a kid. I guess I was still a kid... I couldn't have been twenty seven as I had thought.

"Daniel. What an interesting kid you are." The same voice came from behind me, sounding like several people talking at once. "I haven't seen anyone from the other side in a long, long time."

"Wh-who are y-you?" I gathered all of my courage to turn around and face the boy. "Why... why am I here?"

"My name is Al. Weird name, I know. And I don't know where we are." He smiled at me, trying not to look so creepy, and failing. "I fell too."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what happened. I'm in a coma, have been for years. Now, you are too."

"A-a coma? How? Why? What's going on?"

"Quit screaming. No one will come. I don't know how or why, but I do sort of know where we are. I don't know the exact place, but I have a good idea." Al explained. "You're in the opposite dimension, AU#1. Probably in my head, since I can control everything that happens here."

"So... we're in your mind?"

"Yes. You can enter the minds of most people very easily these days."

"Why your mind?"

"Do you really think I know? I don't have a clue. It has been a very long time before anyone new has come, though." Al grinned. "Seeing as you're alone, I guess I can keep you some company. You're from the other side, so I shouldn't harm you. I'm not willing to deal with my opposite right now. Consider yourself lucky, I usually kill people like you on sight."

"So then... why keep me here?" Hearing that, I tried even harder to keep calm. What did he mean by 'AUs'? Wasn't he alone too? Did he really kill people?"

"Because I'm bored, it stands for alternate universe, no and yes." Al answered all of my questions at once. "We're in my mind, so I can see your thoughts."

"What are AUs?"

"Again, it stands for alternate universe. They're all numbered, and new AUs are blowing up and forming each and every day. Some people call them 'timelines,' but that is more accurate when describing AU branches, not AUs."

"How much do you know about them?"

"Only that. I'm a dimensions master, not an AU master. I only know about them what I need to know."

"How many dimensions are there?" I was now very interested in this. If I learned enough about dimensions, I might even be able to get out of this world! It was.. what did Al say it was again? Oh, right. The Opposites Dimension.

"I'll list four easy ones. Opposite, Weird, Swap and Music."

"What's a dimensions master?"

"There are four ranks. Student, explorer or navigator, expert and master."

"Can you tell me more about them?"

"Another time Buddy. Another time." Al seemed tired, but also pleased that this 'new kid' was so interested in his area of expertise. He and I were just sitting on the ground at that point, criss cross, wondering what to say next. 

"Well... is there a difference between an explorer and a navigator?" I asked eagerly, my fear fading away. Al wasn't so scary after all! Maybe we could be friends? We were both interested in dimensions. Besides, we were stuck in this place together, so why not try?

"No. They're just two different names for the same thing." Al answered. "They both make their own portals to different places and explore the AU or dimension so that it can be mapped out and labeled and named by an expert or a master."

"And a student?"

"Is in training to become a navigator, expert or master."

"What's the difference between an expert and a master?"

"Experts have the second highest to highest level of knowledge of the dimensions, or AUs depending on which one they study. Masters are experts who have powers allowing them to make portals in milliseconds, transporting them to new places."

"See? Explaining things didn't take so long, did it?" I smirked. Al glared at me, realizing what had been done.

"Alright, so you got your way this time. But the next time I say later, I mean it." Al growled. "You got that, Buddy?"

I could feel myself shrink back. That was unexpected. Al still terrified me with that grin, and he was even scarier when he was angry. "O-okay..."

"Good." Al seemed to return to normal. "I'll leave you alone for now. It's nighttime for us, so try to get some rest."

"Okay. G'night Al."

There was no reply as he faded into the darkness. Walking back towards wherever I had come from, I manage to make my way back to the wall. I laid down on the cold, hard floor. Sleep seemed impossible, and the dark was terrifying now that I was in this strange dimension in a twisted mind. I tried anyways, and eventually, sleep came.

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