Blow Your Brains Out

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You're pissed off for the last time,

you don't wanna do this anymore.

You don't wanna be around the rest of them anymore.

They won't be able to call you fat,

or ugly,

or stupid,

or worthless.

Not anymore.

They don't understand you.

They never will.

They can't understand how much their words hurts.

That the things they say are ripping you apart inside.

They're the reason for those scars on your arms.

They're the reason for the deppression.

They're the reason for this.

Go ahead, pull the trigger.

Get rid of it all.


The cool metal circle is pressed against the side of your head now.

The note is clutched in your other hand.

It's the final goodbyes.

Your last words to your family, your friends, everybody you love.

You hold firmer to the handle now.

You slightly cringe at the thought of not being here anymore.

No longer breathing.

Heart not beating.

Pulse not racing.

Tears won't be falling though.

Blades won't be cutting.

Head won't be spinning.

Heart won't be hurting.

A tear slips out of your closed eye.

You take a deep breath.

You know it's your last breath.

Your existence will soon be over.

You begin to exhale.

You sqeeze the trigger.

Goodbye forever.

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