Where are the raisins

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It took a while to finally found the kitchen but I did it. I went inside and saw a goth girl staring in the fridge without moving.

"Um what are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't remember," she said.

"Okay then. Do you know where the raisins are?"

"Hmmm," she said putting her finger to her chin. " I forget where we put them. But maybe they're in the oven?"

"Yeah maybe," I said. We looked in the oven, but they weren't there. They weren't in the freezer either. Where could they be?? Okay now I was actually hungry, so where were the fucking raisins?

"Hey Shizuku, and uh, who are you again?" asked Shalnark coming into the kitchen.

"Melissa," I reminded him. Geez he's the one that brought me here he should know my name.

"What are you guys doing?" he asked.

"Looking for the raisins," said Shizuku. "Do you know where they are?"

"I think you and Feitan ate the last of them," said Shalnark.

"Oh I did? Darn."

"Why, are you hungry?"

"I am," I said. "It's okay though, I don't really like raisin. Is there anything else to eat?"

"Uhh no," said Chalnark scratching his head in embarassment. "We really need to go to the grocey store."

"Well like..when are we gonna go cuz I'm starving," I said.

"Let's go tell Chrollo and we can go now," he said, so we went to find cChrollo.

He was still in the library when we found him. He looked up from a book he was reading and looked at us. "I'm reading my Bible what the fuck do you want," e said.

"We need more raisins," said Shalnark.

"Yep we're fresh out," Shizuku chimmed in.

"Oh, that's nod good. Okay come on, if we leave now we can hit up Traider Joes before it closes."

So we all started to walk out of the church to get in the car. But on the way we ran into Machi.

"Where are you all going?" she asked supspiciously.

"Trader joes," I said.

She narrowed her eyes at me. What, did she not believe me?? Why would I lie about going to trader joes. "Can I come along too? I want to get some more cookie butter," she said.

"Sure there's 5 seats in the car so that's perfect!" said Shalnark.

So we all got into the limo and headed to the store. Chrollo drove, and since Shalnark was the most tech savy he got shitgun and gave Chrollo directions from his GPS. Machi was the shortest so she got the middle seat and I had to sit next to her. Ugh.

It was awkwardly quiet except for Siri sometimes saying where to turn so Chrollo put on some of his music. I almost recognized it almost immediately.

"Is this Bobemian Rhapsody?!" I said excitedly. "This it's my favorite song by One Direction!"

"Yeah," said Chrollo. Wow, I thought, okay mayeb Chrollo was cooler than I thought.

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