Vehicular Manslaughter

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A/N The phantom troupe doesn't come in until near the end of this chapter but don't skip it cuz there's important plot details

I was driving in my hot pink Subaru Outback driving to school and listening to my favorite song, Bohemian Rhapsody by the Beatles. It's an old song so you probably haven't have heard of it. Anway I was listening so hard I forgot to look in front of me and all of a suddenly there was a person right in front of me!!! I meant to slam on the brakes but I accidently hit the gas instead (I just turned 16 and I just got my licence so it's hard for me to tell the difference sometimes.)

"FUCK!" I yelled, I was too late to stop now. I didn't stop and my tires crunched over the small human that was in front of my Subaru. I hope it wasn't a child I could get in real trouble.

Should I stay and see if the person was still alive? Or should I commit a hit and run so I wont get in trouble? I just got my licence and I can't get it revoked now! I had to drive away. So I floored it. And looked into the mirror to see what behind me. There was a trail of blood traling behind my car. AND SIX COPS!!!!

With all the blood on my tires they could easily track me. How to get rid of it? I just had to drive until it all wore off I guess. Or...I had an even better idea.

I drove on to the beach (I live by the beach hehe) and into the ocean so the water would wash off all the blood on my tires. However I wasn't anticpiating that the water and sand would slow down me slow me down so much. I pushed the gas pedal down as far as it would go but my car wasn't moving, just spraying up sandy water all over my car's hot pink chrome finish.

The cops circled around me and pulled out there guns. "Come out with your hands up!" they yelled at me.

Well I guess I had no choice. I got out of my Subaru and let the police arrest me. They took me to jail and locked me up.

Jail was not fun. The food sucked eggs and I couldn't listen to my music. They gave me one phone call which I used to call my mom, but she didn't pick up. She never picked up. For once that was a good thing, because I didn't really want to explain to my mom that I killed someone and tried to run away. I think it would trigger her alcoholism. I had to stay in jail until my trial, which was a few days I don't know I lost track of the days. I wondered if my mom even noticed I was gone.

I don't even know what was the point of having a trial. Everyone knew I did killed that guy, it was on the news and everything. It was so humiliating, all the witnesses just listed all the evidence that I killed that guy and I had to relive that tramatic nightmare. It was like a big cringe compilation, and I was the cringe.

Now it was the part of the trial I was dreading the most. The jury convicted me guilty, no surprise there, but it was time to hear my punishment.

Judge Judy slammed her hammer thing on the table. "Order in the court!" she said, and turned to look at me with cold, emotionless eyes. "Melissa, you have been convicted of manslaughter and are hereby sentenced to death."

I was so shocked I couldn't believe it. Here I was, only 16 years old, and I was being put to death. Damn, I thought I would at least live until I turned 20.

I thought of my self. I didnt want to die! But more importanly what would my mom react? Would she drink even more than she already does? Would she even notice I was gone?

I was broken out of my wonderings by the sound of glass breaking. A large man with guns for fingers was shooting at the audience. Shooting at everyone except me.

I felt arms around my neck and mouth. It was another man. He picked me up and started carrying me out of the courtroom. "What the heck? What's going on?" I exclaimed, but the man didn't answer.

The man took me out to a black limousine and told me to get inside.

"Hurry, get inside," he said.

There were people running out of the courtroom after me so I listened, but as soon as I got inside I demanded to know what was happening. "Hey who are you? And what is happening?" I demanded. I looked around the limo, there were a few others in the limo too. I noticed that big guy with the finger guns was in the limo too.

The man who carried me over here didn't answer me at first since he was busy hitting the gas and driving against the flow of traffic. But then he answered me. "My name is Shalnark and we're getting you out of here," he said.

"Oh," I said, that's all I could say. 

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