Stone Cold

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; we all find our safe havens on our way.

The vision through the huge glass that had replaced the wall of the skyscraping buildings of different heights that kissed the vast blanket of blue above reminds you of everything you had conquered and everything you had been through

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The vision through the huge glass that had replaced the wall of the skyscraping buildings of different heights that kissed the vast blanket of blue above reminds you of everything you had conquered and everything you had been through. The struggle had been real and you had viciously fought your way to this chair.

The reputation you thus have is only true. You did not bother to talk to anyone besides your secretary, Mark Lee. You could not afford to trust anyone and it had taken Mark a long time to earn that spot.

The Cartellier Hotel Chains is your baby and it was the legal fight you had finally won two years back against your brother that fully allowed you to build Cartellier to what it is now.

You still remember the grim visage of your mother when her son lost out on inheriting the business. According to her, a woman of your age was better off serving her husband and making him happy than running an empire. You remember how offended and betrayed you had felt when your mother supported your brother instead of supporting your victory.

"Eomma, but I'm your daughter too," you had cried out in vain that day.

With an expression, nothing less than disappointment, she turned away as she called out, "No daughter of mine would be working a spot for a man," leaving you to walk out of the house.

What better could you expect from the woman who did not even have her mother's love other than ruthless nonchalance and hunger for success?

"Hey, Lee."

The door is pushed open slightly, enough for Mark to project his head forward to garner your attention. You rip your vision away from the majestic view before you and turn to look at your secretary.

"How many times should I tell you to address me formally?"

"Ma'am?" Mark walks forward, shutting the door behind him. "Ew. That even sounds gross. It makes you sound old and ugly."

You sit on your chair and drum your fingers against the mahogany coloured table of your workplace. You raise an eyebrow upon hearing Mark's comment.

"You're getting too relaxed around me, tsk." You click your tongue and rub your forehead. Mark gives you a sheepish grin and turns back to look at the clocks hung above.

"You have a meeting with the director of the Busan branch of the Cartellier hotels. Besides that, your schedule today is free," Mark informs you.

You hum in response and look at the clock too. It was fifteen minutes past twelve. The pile of papers filed on your table catches your attention and you remind Mark, "Give this to the HR. Tell one of the team members to meet me later today."

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