Chapter 1

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Celeborn has a new status:

Tell me, where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar.

*Frodo, Legolas, Aragorn and 1245 others like this.*

Frodo: Why did you have to die Gandalf?

Gandalf: What are you talking about? I'm right here!


Gandlaf: FRODO!


Gandalf: FRODO!


Gandalf: FRODO!




Niall Horan: NANDO'S!

Arwen: O.o

Gandalf: O.o

Frodo: O.o

Niall Horan: ....

Aragorn: Who are you?

*Niall Horan has left the conversation.*

*Pippin has joined the conversation.*

Pippin: What did I miss?

Aragorn: A guy was yelling Nando's.

Pippin: ......

Arwen: Aragorn! I love you! :3 💜

*Aragorn is in a relationship with Gollum*

Arwen: What the hell?!

Aragorn: We need to talk.

Arwen: Is this about that elf you saw me hugging? You had it wrong! He was my cousin!!

Aragorn: No he wasn't!!! I saw that look you gave him!

Sam: Master Frodo I think we should leave.

Frodo: I agree.

*Sam and Frodo have left the conversation.*

Aragorn: I've moved on, I love Gollum now.

Arwen: WHAT?! I thought we had something special. :'(

Aragorn: It's not you, it's me.

Arwen: .......

Aragorn: Friends?

*Arwen has unfriended Aragorn*

Gollum: Ha!

Aragorn: Gollum :3

Gollum: <3

Arwen: What about me Gollum? D: I thought you loved me?

Aragorn: Arwen? o.O

Pippin: You said I was the only one!

Gollum: .... I can explain.

Aragorn: How many people are on your list?!

Merry: Erm.....

Aragorn: -_-

*Gollum has now left the conversation*


Author's Note:

Ok so this is purely for fun and is a type of warm up for my brain before I write other chapters in my stories. I do not own The Lord Of The Rings.

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