Meeting Ana

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Ana's P.O.V

The pleasant smell of a burning log fire fills my nose as I curl up on a comfy armchair in the centre of the library.

"John!" An unfamiliar voice rings through the full shelves, making the floor rumble and hot coals spit out of my fire.

"John, why is there a girl on my chair?" The voice demands. I roll my eyes, sighing irritably.

"Shut up, Sherlock! She's asleep!" Another voice pipes up. This one, I recognise.

"I can see that!" The first voice snaps. I should probably say something, but where's the fun in that?

"This is my sister, Ana. She's going to be living with us, remember?" The second voice, my brother John, explains. This comment is followed by an exasperated sigh from an unknown source. To be honest, both men had reason to do so and I wouldn't put it past them, either. My concentration turns back to my library, which is being destroyed. The flames that were spat out of the fireplace are now burning holes in the rugs and through book covers. The books themselves, are flying off of their shelves all around me and chairs are being flipped. The ceiling is caving in, pieces of dust and plasterboard are crashing to the ground and leaving a white powder upon everything they touch. Finally, the floor is cracking and swallowing everything in its path, forcing me to back up into a corner for safety. At last, I decide that the best thing for me to do is to leave and salvage what I can from the wreckage later. Groaning, I exit my once perfect paradise and enter 221b Baker Street, fully in tact.

My turquoise eyes flick up harshly, staring at the two men that stood before me. I breath in slightly at the sight of them. My brother, for one, had gotten to look a lot older, his once sandy blonde hair was now flecked with grey. The bags under his eyes tell me that he hasn't been sleeping. The slight pressure to one of his legs shows me that he hasn't yet lost his limp and since the anticipation of my arrival, he has been having nightmares of his time in Afghanistan and of his past. The creases on his shirt shows that he dressed in a hurry and his face has a slight reddening, he has obviously been running. His companion, however, was a lot harder to deduce. I narrow my eyes slightly, much to his amusement. From his facial expression, he knows what I'm doing and thinks that he has me beaten. Little does he know...

"Honestly!" I exclaim "Could you two be any louder?"
"Sorry Ana. We didn't mean to wake you..." My brother apologises. I grin before nodding and turning to his friend and flat mate.

"Anabelle Marie Watson, but you already knew that." I greet.

"Sherlock Holmes." He replies, briefly.

"I know," I smirk. "Man, not having a case has been harsh on you. Hasn't it?" A quick look of confusion flashes across his face before remembering my silence earlier. He puts two and two together before cocking his head, gesturing for me to go on. I flash him a smile before backing up, attempting to get a better look at him.

"Dark circles under your eyes and pasty skin. Now, John always told me how you never ate or slept whilst on a case. If this were true, then the bags would be faint and you would have more colour as your body would have gotten used to the lack of rest and nutrients. This isn't the case. Granted, you have only been getting an hour or so every other night but now that you have had sleep, you subconsciously want more. You have lost all colour because you no longer have an excuse not to eat. My brother has obviously been pressuring you to have some food so now your body is craving more,"

"Your unruly hair also gives it away. It has been messed up a lot, suggesting that you have been running a hand through it, most likely in frustration. You smoke but not regularly according to the ever so faint green tinge to your fingers. It is probably used as a calming or thought provoking mechanism. The same goes for your violin over there," I nod my head towards the window where the instruments case lay "which hasn't been touched recently. You also got dressed in a hurry, given away by the creases in your clothes. Your eyes are now lighting up... I'm intriguing you. You were just out and judging by the look on your face before I started to speak, you were on a case. However, you solved it within the first few minutes of being there. You have had plenty of cases given to you but they were all too 'boring' for you. Correct?" I tell him. I don't give him a chance to open his mouth. "Judging by the look on your face, I am."

A smirk crawls up onto my face, satisfied with my first impressions. I'll admit, he was hard to see past but I still managed and came away with a fair bit of information. All in all, this was a successful meet up. I turn back to my brother, smiling. I step forward to hug him before walking down the hall.

"Where are you going?" My brother asks. He clearly hasn't forgotten my skills.

"My room." I reply, simply.

"Wait!" A deep voice shouts from behind me. I turn on my heel and face the curly haired man that stood before me. "How did you do that?" He asks, choosing his words carefully.

"The same way you do it." I answer, cheerfully. "You aren't losing your touch, are you Sherlock?" I ask with mock concern.

He scowls to himself. I continue walking but pause at my door. I turn to him before saying "You know I wasn't actually asleep, right?"

"Obviously. Tell me... Who exactly are you, Anabelle?" He replies coldly, saying my name as if it were venom.

"You tell me, Mr Holmes" I begin. I reach for the door knob, opening it and entering the room that I am to sleep in for the foreseeable future. Then I get an idea. I stick my head round the door, my caramel hair falling down beside me.

"Deduce me."

Authors Note:

This is my first story so please give me any tips and opinions to have! I'll try my best to take them all on board. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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