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Dec. 2013, New York

"Hi Red! It's so good to see you, honey!" Kate says as she pulls me into one of her bone-crushing hugs and I feel all the air leave my lungs as I hold on for dear life and pray for the snuggly torture to be over soon.

"Hi, Mrs. Kate!" I say after she finally releases me only to see the woman glaring at me.

"I told you to stop calling me Mrs. Kate! It makes me feel like I am a hundred years old."

"Oh, don't worry darling you don't look a day over fifty!" I say and then quickly step away, as she tries to swat me across the head, laughing my way to the cozy kitchen in the back of the house.

"Sometimes I miss the days when you refused to talk Mister!" I hear her exclaim from the living room, as I take a seat beside Jonah, grabbing the apple that the boy was about to bite from his hand, and making him pout.

"You must have some serious balls, my friend, daring to tell her that she looks older than she is. Scary woman, my mother." Jonah says, pretending to shake in his seat before laughing.

"Nah. I am just a masochist; the fear of the punishment gives me thrills." I say and wink, making the boy next to me gag.

"It's good to see you again, Red. The last time you were here, I was still on summer break and I thought that you had forgotten about us." Jonah says making me smirk at him.

"Aw... did the little baby Jonah miss me?" I tease him, expecting Jonah to punch me or tell me off, but the boy only looks down at his hands and frowns.

"I did." he whispers making my eyebrows fly up since the last thing I expected was the teenage angst-ridden boy to admit to having something as plebian as feelings.

I remember the first time we met. It was a couple of days after I arrived in the States, and Ben had offered to take me in until the trials were over.

He took me to this very house and introduced me to his family. His wife Kate, a lovely little blond, took me under her wing immediately, trying to get me to eat something before I even had the time to sit down.

Ben also has a son, Jonah, who's the definition of teenage rebellion. He's always dressed in ripped jeans, rock band t-shirts, and boots, his brow and lower lip pierced and his nails painted in black.

I was completely shocked when I first met him, since Ben and Kate are the typical suburban mom and dad, and then comes Jonah with his smoking and cussing like a life-long sailor. He didn't even say hello to me that first day, just grunted and proceeded to take the milk out of the fridge and drink it straight from the carton. I shook in my seat at the thought of what my mother would have done to me if I had dared to do something like that while I was still living at home.

It was a couple of weeks before Jonah even acknowledged me, but then he slowly started to talk to me and we soon became friends.

He was the one that had persuaded me to pierce my nipples and held my hand as I cried like a baby while he laughed and called me a pussy.

So now, hearing him actually admit that he had missed me, warms my heart because I realize that Jonah sees me as a part of his family.

"I missed you too, Jonah boy. I am sorry for not coming back sooner." I tell him and throw my arm around the boy's shoulders. Jonah, of course, shakes it away quickly, scoffing about sentimental fools and shaking his head all the way out of the room. I smile after him, relieved to see that he's still the same guy who threw a bucket of cold water over me when I was having a panic attack to make me, as he so eloquently put it, "snap out of it".

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