Birth of Pain

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Before starting I just wanna let you know that the character looks just like you would in real life just with the rinnegan and later on the Akatsuki robes


Y/N and I were in Vale while Ruby and Yang were at home with Tai. We went to a toy store and I look at Y/N

Summer: You want a new toy, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes please mom

I nod and we enter the toy store. We soon leave with a new ninja toy, with Y/N playing with it as we walk to the car. While we made our way there, what seems like a shadow pulled both of us into an alley. One man simply stood there as two blocked off our escape. Once we were able to move Y/N latched onto me shaking mom

Y/N: Mom, who are these guys?

I looked at them and saw they had the headband worn by a ninja of the village hidden in the leaf but the had a scratch across it. They were rogues

Summer: Sweetie, stay behind me

Rogue Ninja 1: Just hand over the kid with the Rinnegan and we'll be on our way

Summer: I'll never hand over my baby boy

Before I could even react my eyes went wide as I felt a sharp pain through my heart. I look down and see a blade made out of shadows went straight through me

Summer: Y-Y/N... Run

I coughed up blood as I close my eyes and let death take me


I don't know who these guys are. Why did they kill my mother? Many thoughts ran through my head

Rogue Ninja 2: Listen kid, we're sorry but we need you to come with us

I was breathing heavily and my heart was racing

Rogue Ninja 3: Come on kid

He pulled at my arm but I didn't move and I glared at him. My eyes were uncovered by my (Your Color) hair


I let out a rage fueled scream that pushed them all into the walls of the alley way. I heard their bones breaking but I didn't care. They deserved to die for killing my mother. I sat down beside my mother's body and cried as the police showed up along with Dad Ruby and Yang

Tai: What happened?

Y/N *sobbing* Th..they wanted my eyes..


Tai was beating down on me nonstop, with me coughing up blood

Tai: You little shit! You just had to break that vase!

Y/N: Th-that wasn't me. R-ruby did it. Pl-please stop

Tai: Stop lying!

He grabbed my head and slammed me against the wall, knocking me out. When I woke up I felt Chibi, a dog a found and took in, licking my face and Uncle Qrow sitting on my bed

Qrow: Hey kid

Y/N: Ugh, hey Uncle Qrow

Qrow: I'm guessing this is your dad's handiwork

Y/N: Yeah. Uncle Qrow, I have a question

Qrow: Ask away

Y/N: Why do they hate me? Have I done something wrong?

Qrow sighed and looked down sad

Qrow: No kid, they're just not over your mother's death and they're taking it out on you. It's not right but it's the truth

KNOW TRUE PAIN (RWBY X ABUSED AKATSUKI READER)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя