Part 1

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It was ten in the evening and the boys had left around two hours ago. Perfect, I thought - they should be heavily drunk by now.

-In the log cabin-

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Shouted Cassian, hurling shot glasses at Azriel. Rhys had passed out ten minutes ago and was now coming around.
"But why Feyre darling?" Rhys murmured in half consiousness.
Thus! Rhys rolled off the couch and walked over to the others rubbing his head.
Azriel was the best at drinking - it took him around ten shots to start feeling dizzy.

"Rhys! Ma man! How you doin'?" Cassian shouted giving Rhys a bear hug.

Azriel quickly whipped his head to Rhys.
"You're alive! I missed you bro!" Az quickly ran in to the bear hug and all three of them were holding each other up.

"I love you guys, I love you even more than Amren!" Rhys swayed, even with a smirk on his face.

At the mention of Amren there was a knock.

Cassian sprinted towards the door, hurling it open wide.
"Woah! It's cold guys- hey, how you doin'?"

All three ladies were dressed up and had red painted lips.

"Hello boys-" Mor started.
"-well come on in!" Rhys exclaimed, eyes wide and beckoning them in. Feyre walked straight to Rhys and gave him a seductive smirk. "Woah! You are really pretty!" Rhys said urging closer and closer into Feyre until they nearly bashed foreheads.
"Well hello to you too," she said pulling away slightly.

All three of the bat boys' wings were brushing against the floor.

Cassian ran over to Amren with the aim to give her a bear hug but was quickly sent falling in the other direction.

More looked around, also a smirk stuck on her face, "let's play a game!" She announced.

Simultaneously all three boys exclaimed "yes!"

"Alright boys, sit down here in a circle with your eyes closed, we will be back in a minute, don't open your eyes unless we tell you to!" she told them.

The girls waited until all their eyes were closed and Mor put a shield up around the girls to mask their presence.

"Hey," Rhys whispered with a soft nudge to Az and Cass. "They are really hot!" He whispered with a girly giggle. The other two nodded vigorously, grinning wide.

Mor walked over to Az and pulled out a feather. She began tickling him lightly until loud giggles emerged.
"Guys! Stop it! Teehee hee hee!" Azriel began shouting and rocking back and forth from laughter.
"What's wrong with him?" Cassian whispered harshly to Rhys.

Feyre walked over to Rhys and sat down on his lap. "Woah! Dudes! I think one of them is sitting on my lap! Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?" Rhys exclaimed questionably.

"Are you guys real??" Rhys drew out the word slowly.

Suddenly Amren walked over to Cassian and began poking him, sending light electric shocks through out him.

"Ow! Hee hee! Ow!" Cassian started jigging and jabbing around.

With Azriel laughing, Rhys having a great time, but thinking this is a dream, and Cassian jumping up and down all three girls stopped and walked out of the room. Mor dropped the shield and the three girls walked back in and exclaimed, "open your eyes!" They came back with hairbands, makeup and new clothes!

Rhys, Cass and Az get drunk!Where stories live. Discover now