09 - Hostile Takeover

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Listening to Mr Harris drone on about chemical groups while a murder was waiting to be solved was close to torture for Stiles. It was all he could do not to rush out of the classroom to investigate the things that actually mattered, rather than to hear about hydrophilic molecules and the likes - he wasn't even sure this was still the topic Mr Harris was discussing, as he had stopped paying attention barely five seconds into the lecture.

Stiles' leg couldn't seem to stop bouncing up and down, his sneaker occasionally squeaking against the tiled floor and earning him annoyed looks from the students seated at the neighboring desks. Looking at about everything but the blackboard, Stiles couldn't help but come up with theories about Isaac Lahey, glancing at his empty desk every now and then. His mind was buzzing with so many ideas that it took him a good thirty minutes to notice Isaac's desk wasn't the only empty one. 

Where was Jackson? For a second, Stiles imagined the Lacrosse co-captain was suspected of Mr Lahey's murder and had been arrested. The thought immediately brought a satisfied yet slightly evil smile to stretch Stiles' lips, because while the theory was highly unlikely, it was still damn nice to imagine Jackson rotting in a cell, huffing and puffing behind the bars. Reluctantly putting the thought aside, Stiles looked for the one person who would know of Jackson's actual whereabouts.

"Danny. Danny!" he called in a loud whisper, bringing more annoyed looks to be cast his way. When the goalie glanced in his direction, he leaned forward, half his chest over the very edge of his desk. "Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office talking to your dad," Danny explained, eyes not leaving the blackboard.

"What? Why?" Stiles asked, genuinely surprised at the news. Was Jackson a suspect after all? For a second, a glorious second, Stiles allowed himself to believe Jackson was indeed in custody.

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac," Danny replied, unknowingly crushing Stiles' hopes.

Now this was tremendous news, and Stiles couldn't imagine remaining seated at his desk like a nice oblivious boy while Jackson was giving out critical information a few rooms away. Glancing at Scott and Jamie, rightly assuming his friends had heard the whole conversation with their superior ears, he nodded. The nodded back, although the uncertain look on their features revealed they weren't fully sure what Stiles' intentions actually were.

It seemed Stiles would always find new ways to surprise his friends, because no matter how well they knew him, they certainly weren't expecting him to throw his pen right at Mr Harris. The teacher turned on his heels, slowly, and his expression was one of barely contained rage.

"Who the hell did that?" 

And thus Stiles, Jamie and Scott were sent to the principal's office, leaving a facepalming Lydia behind. 

They were told to remain in the corridor and sit down in comfortable-looking armchairs, patiently waiting for Jackson to be done with his explanation, which was perfectly fine by them. They didn't attempt to keep remorseful looks on their faces for very long, a sheer curiosity quickly taking over. It was a blessing the principal's office walls' were so thin, as it allowed even Stiles to hear every word of the conversation that was taking place.

"Listen to me, you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stiles' own father asked, sounding as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him," Jackson replied, and he wouldn't have used a different tone had he been speaking about the weather. The eavesdropping trio outside the door didn't need to see him to know he had probably shrugged, and their already intense distaste for the other teen grew some more.

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