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        "I LEAVING TO GO PICK UP JASMINE CLEAN UP THE PLACE WILL YA!", My dad yelled and left with even letting my reply. Some dad,huh?

        Incase your getting the wrong idea here I'll explain a little. No, my dad is not abusive or a drunkie. He is perfectly normal.He just doesn't care about my well being. The bright side about it is that I could do whatever I want without getting in trouble. Like dying my hair blue or sneaking o- sorry I'm getting off track.

        Your probably wondering who Jasmine is right? Well, she's my dad's "supermodel" girl friend. Wow even to me that sounds cliché. I'm pretty used it though my whole life is cliche. if there ever was a movie about my life it would be called "Cinderella in the flesh" without the happily ever after.

        I walked to broom closet and started to sweep then the door bell rang making mouse bark like a maniac.

        Mouse is a Great Dane who my dad made is get a couple years back for "protection". It didn't really work out though. Mouse is as soft as a marshmallow but for some reason he thinks the zombie apocalypse is starting whenever the door bell rings.

        "Oh stop barking Mouse", I said laughing a little and of course he didn't listen.

        I opened the door anyway revealing a kind looking with a tray of blue cookies and a boy who looked about two years older them me. (Which may I add is 14) He was cute I guess but not in a attractive way. Sort of like a puppy that chews up your furniture but you can't stay mad at it.

        All of a sudden I realized I looked like a mess. My hair was a mess and I was wearing a crinkled black shirt that said "Muggles.......BE JEALOUS" and gray sweat pant that ether had ketchup or pizza stain on it

        Now that I think of it I didn't have ethier today.....

        " Ahh", the boy yelled knocking me out of my weird thoughts. Mouse had pushed him over and starting licking his face like he was an old friend. He does that to everyone new. Proving my point that he was a horrible guard dog.

        " Mouse get off of him", I started and turned to the boy who was getting off the floor, " I'm sorry he gets so worked up when he meets new people"

        " It's okay accidents happen right?", he said with a dazzling smile, "I'm Percy Jackson and this is my Mom, Sally."

        I nodded my head and returned the smile.

        "You guys must be the neighbors. Am I right?"

        Sally nodded her head, yes.

        " My names is Lucem Evens but you can just call me Cemmy."

        They walked in after I invited them.

        " Thanks for the cookies Mrs. Jackson.", I said while taking a bite of my own.

        She smiled. " Oh please honey, just call me Sally." I nodded and tried to say something but remembered I had food I'm my mouth.

        " So... do you live here by yourself or something?", Percy asked.

        " Percy!", his mom said with a disapproving look. I didn't blame the guy he looked like he got confused a lot.

        " It's ok M- Sally", I said wiping my mouth," George is picking up his girlfriend from the airport. He'll be back soon." She raised her eyebrows.

"         George?"

        I stopped saying that my dad was my "dad" out load a long time ago. He just didn't feel like a dad anymore.

        I blinked then realized what she meant. I laughed a little.

        "George is my dad ." I smiled that it was completely normal. I could tell they were curious but didn't pushed it.

        We talked and talked and talked until the door bell rang. Wow has it been that long already. I know I can talk a lot but seriously.

        The door bell rang again.

        "Aren't you gonna get that?", Percy asked. I shook my head.

        "Oh yeah sorry got a little distracted", I said and plastered a smile on my face and went to open the door .

        PERCY'S P.O.V.

        I watched as Cemmy went to go open the door. I couldn't figure her out. Then again I can't figure a lot of things out.

        " Well hello Lucem so nice to see you again", said a lady you reminded me of a Barbie doll them she kissed Cemmy on both cheeks. Mouse growled and started barking.

        " Down boy", said a stern voice. I'm guessing these people where George and and his girlfriend. Lucem didnt look much like her dad execpt for the same white-blond hair. Gerorge had a thin line for a mouth and cemmy had lips like a model and were colored red making her look like a vampire with her pale complection. Her eyes were different to instead of grey like george, she had light brown withe a sort of orange-red-gold color around the iris making them look like they caught on fire.

        "You must me the neighbors", George said with a smile. He seemed nice but it feels Cemmy didn't like him to much but, she returned his smile anyway.

        " Yup George, this is Percy and his mom,Sally".

        My mother obviously feeling the tension stood up.

        " Why don't you show Percy to your room and I could talk to your dad and his girlfriend", my mom suggested. Lucem nodded and gestured me to follow.

        Once she opened her door it was a out break of fan girl essence.

        Her walls looked she has sponged on blue paint and their where covered in poster like doctor who or Once Upon a Time. (A/n: Where mah oncers at?!?) and one of the walls was just paint splattered and had metals and pictures on them. Lucem had thoughs fabric type beds so it had a whole bunch of buttons of bands I never heard stuck on it. 

        Mouse walked pasted Lucem and her hair got all staticy. Lucem's hair was so long  i wondered how she walked without tripping over it, she was short too and wore bright red lipstick dispite the fact that she was home and was in what I susoped was were pj's.

        " You the silent  type or something?", Cemmy questioned after she had satten done and so had Mouse that left me standing around looking like a idiot.

        Well, that isn't new.

        "No i just got lost in thought", I say sitting on a lumpy beanbag in the corner. Cemmy raised her eyebrows.

        " Are you ADHD?"  

        "how'd ya know?", I asked. Cemmy smiled kindly. It was a warm so of smile that made you like her instantly.

        "I'm ADHD too", she started. " I know one when I see em' " 

        "Sssoooo..... where are you from", I questioned after an awkward silence.

        "Well, that depends my dad and I move around alot 'cause he's in the army. The last place I've been was San Fransisco." 

        That's were wise girl lives, go figure.

      A/N: I KNOW THIS SUCKS BUT GET OVER IT! IT'S JUST A STARTER CHAPTER. So anyway this is placed inbetween the series and has anyone finished the blood of olympus cause i did and im DEAD NOW COME AND BE DEAD WITH ME. Could anyone make a cover for me cause the I have IS HORRIBLE and send it to this isn't my private account but dont spam it pleaz! k bye


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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