Chapter 4 - Sugar High

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 Chapter 4 - Lily's POV

The next morning I am lying in bed as my mind is flittering through the different events that occurred the night before. I cannot believe that Vince was there last night. I scoff at the fact that he could ‘find time’ to come to the club when we are broken up but when we were together he was always too ‘busy’ to come. Now that I think about it those are the types of excuses that guys use when they are being unfaithful. More and more things keep creeping up that would suggest he was cheating on me long before I caught him. The thoughts of him sharing a bed with both me and another girl make my heart twinge.  

But within all of that gloom I can still remember those hypnotic green eyes. Those eyes that made me forget what was happening with Vince for just a second before me and the stranger broke eye contact and I was immersed back into my shitty life. I don’t know what it was about them. I couldn’t even say that who the eyes belonged to was good looking because I didn’t even see his face, I didn’t get that far. It’s like I needed to look into his eyes so that I could remember him if we were to ever bump into each other again. Not that it’s likely. He was probably from out of town, having a farewell drink before he goes back to his life.

I’m brought out of my thoughts when I feel my pillow vibrating. I plunge my hand under the pillow and pull out the ringing phone, wincing slightly at its high pitched tone. Note to self, don’t drink your troubles away – it doesn’t work, they are still there in the morning.

I look at the screen and see Lisa’s name flash up. I press the answer button and put it on loud speaker so I can relax my arms and put them back under the warm covers.

“Hi Lil, have you heard from the asshole yet. I swear if he has sent you another message about wanting to get back together, especially after what he did last night, I will hunt him down in the middle of the night and castrate him” Lisa rushes out.

How does she have this much energy in the morning after the amount we had to drink last night. After we left the bar we ended up going to another one to try and forget about Vince but we just ended up getting wasted and depressed, well I did anyway. It’s a miracle that I even made it home and into the right bed. Sadly I did not get drunk enough to forget the memories of last night.

“No, he has not sent any messages. Well I haven’t actually checked but that could be due to the fact that its 7:30am in the morning on the weekend and I am trying to sleep” I say grumpily. Maybe she will catch on that I’m unhappy about her waking me at this early hour.

“Well if I’m up then you need to be up. I need you to come to the mall with me as I need to do some last minute shopping before I leave” she demands. I know that there is no way of her taking no for an answer.

“Even though my head is pounding and I feel like I will throw up at any minute, I know that you won’t let me say no so come and pick me up in about 30 minutes” I mumble groggily.

“Yay, see this is why you’re my girl. I’ll even buy you some breakfast, that should make you feel better” she bargains.

“Yeah, you’re right, you better be buying me breakfast. Ok let me get ready and I’ll see you in a minute. Bye” I speak loudly into the phone so that she will understand that I’m about to hang up.

“Oh, ok bye and love you” she sings.

I shake my head again, it’s like she is on a sugar high.


(More to be posted)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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