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" Are you okay?  Did you hurt yourself? " You ask shocked.  She giggles more and says " Technicality your the one who hurt me the most. Confused you ask "What do you mean?".  She stops laughing and looks at you "You hit me with the door and I hit my nose and it started bleeding". You whisper quietly to yourself,  " That's what that thump was... " She looks at you and starts crying.  "What's wrong?!" You ask worriedly.  She raises her voice,  "Where's mommy?  Did you.....  Hurt her? ". You look at her " Who's your mommy? " She looks worried "She said she'd be here!!" Tears start falling from her eyes.  She looks around and stares into your eyes.  "Hello? " You say.  "Tell me where she is". " I don't kno-.... Why didn't your mouth move when you said that? ". She stands up.  " Where are you going?!! ". " To get mom" She wipers and she breaks the glass window and climbs out of your apartment.  "Wow
..  That was a lot.. ".....  " WAIT THE JUST JUMPED OUT OF THE HOUSE AAAAAAA"

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