Extra Sokeefe Chapter

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2 years after Sophie and Keefe got married:

Sophie's P.O.V.

I turn around from washing dishes and am greeted by my husband with a kiss. My eyes went wide before I reacted. Keefe wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled away to look at me.

"Hey Foster. What are you doing for the rest of the day?" Even though we got married and my name is officially Sophie Scencen, he still called me Foster. For old times sake. I smile. "Nothing much now that Juniper is over at Fitz and Lihn's place. Why?" I ask.

Keefe smirks devilishly at me making me suspicious. "Keefe..." I say warily. "Yeeees?" He drawls out. I step back as he takes a step forward. I go to take another step back but I'm already against the kitchen sink.

Keefe traps me by putting his arms on either side of me and levels his face with mine. I can feel the blush coming up to my cheeks due to the proximity of our closeness. "I like how I can still make you blush." Keefe whispers.

I look down, my face feeling like it was burnt by Everblaze, before looking back up at him through the wisps of hair that escaped my bun.

Keefe hooks his finger under my chin and brings my lips up to his again for another kiss. As an instinct, i wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

Suddenly, a knock rings through the house. Reluctantly, we break apart before heading for the front door hand-in-hand. Keefe opens the door and we see Grady and Edaline on our doorstep with a... verminion?!

They both smile cheekily before Edaline speaks. "Heeeey, guys. Sophie, Keefe, you know you're my favorite daughter and son-in-law." Edaline attempts to butter us up.

"We're your only daughter and son-in-law." I deadpan. Edaline sucks in a breath through her teeth. "Right." She whispers. Grady just stands next to Edaline trying to hold his laughter in just like Keefe.

"Sooooo, could you please take care of the verminion? Just for one day. Please, please, please? I'm sorry Sophie, I know you hate them but just look at how cute this one is." Edaline holds it up to my face as it almost gouges my eyes out.

I look up at Keefe warily before Keefe grins and says,"We'll take good care of it. Don't you worry about a thing." Are you out of your mind?! I transmit to Keefe with wide eyes.

Keefe just shrugs. What? It's just one verminion. How bad could it be? Keefe thinks back.

At Havenfield:

"There's more?!" Keefe exclaims. We had just arrived at Havenfield's verminion pen that had at least 5 fighting with each other. I look back at Keefe where he holds the verminion that Edaline had brought over.

"See? This is why I asked if you were out of your mind. Which you are. So have fun." I smile and start towards the house until Keefe grabs my hand and pulls me back. "Oh no, if I'm doing it, you're doing it." Keefe states looking at me right in the eye.

I press my lip in a line. I sigh. "Fine. But I'm only doing this because I'm a good daughter who takes care of her parents verminions in the time of need." I emphasize the 's' in verminions.

Back at Sophie and Keefe's house after taking care of the verminions:

We plop down on the couch together and sit there for at least 10 minutes. As a result of taking care of Edaline and Grady's verminions, we had our clothes shredded and torn along with dirt almost everywhere.

Two of the verminions escaped so I had to track them while Keefe stayed to guard the others. And Amy wonders why I hate them so much whenever I mention them while we FaceTime.

I secretly upgraded my iPod to an iPhone 6+ with the help of Dex of course who somehow installed a way for me to have WiFi anywhere I took my phone. That man can build anything.

I sigh and drop my head onto Keefe's shoulder. I spot a tear in his pants and play with the fabric. Soon he finds a tear that I didn't even know was there in the side of my waist and copies me.

"Okay, I need a shower." I say finally getting up. "Mind if I join?" Keefe smirks as I look over my shoulder. "Nope." I pop the 'p' as I return it with a smirk of my own.

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