Fact #22 (Theory)

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There is theory that Zaheer was actually the son of Aang.

That's right, many fans speculate that the villain of Legend Of Korra Season 3 is actually the son of the Avatar Aang

A reason to believe this is, when he received his Airbending, he knew EXACTLY what to do with it. He knew all the moves and techniques needed to be a top-notch Airbender. He knew the history of the Airbending culture, everything.

You may be asking, "But wait, wasn't he a non-bender before the Harmonic Convergence?" Well the thing is, it is believed that Zaheer chose a life of crime when he still had his Airbending, but Aang did not like what he had become, thus, he took his Airbending away.

Also, another reason to believe this is because when Zaheer and Kya were fighting at Air Temple Island, Kya instantly recognized Zaheer in his disguise without any explanation of how she knew it was him. How did she know?

Maybe it was because they had a long and close brother-sister relationship when they were children.

We may never know...

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