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curiosity kills the cat

curiosity kills the cat

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My life is terrible. I am currently in a prison; I haven't committed any crimes. It's just the fact that my mother and father are some of the most dangerous and deadly gang leaders in Korea.

Of course, the police couldn't just grab me off the street and hold me here, but they gave me an offer to just stay here overnight and act as if it was an actual imprisonment. My brothers are both in their own gangs. So, my family is quite messed up, I've never really had a 'normal' childhood, it has always been full of violence, hate and loneliness. The police actually thought that if they locked me up in here, then my family would care. But guess what, they don't.

As I stared at the wall I counted the little markings someone who had been here before probably made out of boredom, if I was here too much longer I would probably also refer to doing that to pass time. It's much safer in here anyway, when you are in prison it's very rare that you could get hurt from crimes and murderers. Sadly, my family are always either wanted dead or they owe people money so I would be a target even though I didn't have anything to do with them, I told them my stand years ago that I didn't agree with the work that they did. So eventually they just decided to disown me and told me I had to figure out myself how to take care of myself at the age of only 15.

When I think about it the total I have been kidnapped is around six times in my life. Each time it ends the same way, they hold me there for a while, and then my brother Hyunjin always shows up. He must have a tracker on my phone so he knows whether I am safe or not. Thankfully I had him to look after me, I was never trained like my brothers so I wasn't very good at protecting myself. My other, older brother is cold hearted and never even gave me a chance. I think he hates me just for existing because he has never been nice to me or even spoke to me properly. His name is Changbin. The problem is they are both in the same gang, so I rarely get saved by Hyunjin anymore which is why I prefer spending my time in this prison where I cannot get kidnapped.

Suddenly there was a noise from just next to me and I saw the door to my prison cell starting to open; A guard was standing there with an almost disappointed look laying on his face. From the beginning of this stay I had expected that. No one had came again. 

"Nothing has happened, you are free to go Y/n, sorry for the inconvenience." His voice was rough and clearly upset, maybe my mother and father was his case to complete. What an unfortunate thing. At least I wasn't here for as long as last time, I didn't really mind. As I followed him down the huge hallways, I tried to avoid the glares from other inmates who looked much more intimidating than I ever could. Some of their faces would send shivers down my entire body.

"You can take your things you left now, I hope you have a good rest of your day." He bowed at me and pointed to the reception desk only metres away from us. The formality from him was appreciated but just made this whole thing seem cringe worthy. All I had taken with me was my bag full of clothes and my phone. Maybe a couple of noodle pots that I could warm up somewhere if I started to get peckish.

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